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JD.com has received another salary increase

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According to the "JD Blackboard News", following three consecutive salary increases in early and mid year 2024, on September 13th, JD Group announced the resumption of salary increases:
Starting from October 1, 2024, JD Retail Group and its functional system will achieve a salary increase of 20 yuan within two years, and other departments will subsequently launch salary increase plans.
JD stated that in the past three years, JD Group has continuously increased the salary levels of its employees
From July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2023, JD.com will gradually increase the average annual salary of its employees from 14 to 16 over a period of two years.
Starting from January 1, 2024, the annual fixed salary of frontline business personnel such as JD's procurement and sales will significantly increase by nearly 100%. At the beginning of 2024, the average salary increase for all employees in JD Retail will not be less than 20%.
Starting from February 1, 2024, over 20000 frontline customer service employees on JD.com will experience an average annual salary increase of over 30%.
Starting from July 1, 2024, within one and a half years, JD's annual fixed salary for procurement and sales will be increased from 16 to 20, with no upper limit on performance incentives.
In August 2024, JD 2025 Campus Recruitment launched globally, opening 18000 positions and significantly increasing campus recruitment salaries once again.
Not long ago, JD 2025 campus recruitment was launched globally. It is reported that in 2025, JD.com will once again upgrade its investment in school recruitment, training, and benefits, and the salaries of the 2025 school recruitment positions will be comprehensively increased. Among them, the salary of core positions such as procurement and sales, technology, and products will be increased by no less than 20%. All "JD Procurement and Sales" recruited by the school will be able to achieve a salary structure of 20 months throughout the year, with an annual bonus of up to 8 times the monthly salary. In addition, there is an unlimited Big Boss incentive, which is directly linked to performance and incentives.
In the production and research positions, the average starting salary increase for algorithm positions exceeds 75%. The starting salary for positions such as hardware and design has increased by over 50%. The annual salary for school admissions that invest in company level technological breakthroughs starts at one million yuan and has no upper limit.
In addition to salary, JD.com continues to increase investment in the long-term development of school enrollment and living benefits. Starting from 2023, JD.com will launch cross level promotion for outstanding young people. Starting from 2024, JD.com has created a "three-year growth plan" for school enrollment to help achieve professional improvement and become a leading business backbone.
In terms of daily life, in April 2024, JD.com officially launched its global training base, which covers an area of 110000 square meters and can accommodate more than 2000 people. At present, the first phase of the "JD Youth City" project has completed its topping out, and after it is put into use in 2027, it will provide nearly 4000 ready to move apartments for school enrollment.
JD.com stated that as a rapidly developing new type of physical enterprise, JD.com adheres to the concept of "all success comes from the team" and "the first good of management is to cultivate people", and always attaches great importance to the cultivation of young talents and the construction of talent teams. At present, over 10% of the management team of JD Group has recruited students from schools that grew up on JD.com.
Author: Jiang Yehuan, Feng Xinyi, Wen Ting
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