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Weight loss has become a hot topic at this year's Service Trade Fair: multiple celebrity weight loss drugs appear

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The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) will be held in Beijing from September 12th to 16th. The Pengpai News reporter noticed that "weight loss" has become one of the key words in the health and hygiene service exhibition area.
GLP-1 drugs are currently a hot topic in the field of weight loss. At the China International Fair for Trade in Services, two multinational pharmaceutical giants, Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk, known as the "GLP-1 twin giants", set up booths and showcased weight loss related content.
Novo Nordisk owns the popular weight loss drug Smeaglutide, and its weight loss indications contributed over $3 billion in global revenue to Novo Nordisk in the first half of this year. The weight loss indication of semaglutide was officially approved in China in June this year, and it is the world's first and currently the only GLP-1 weekly formulation used for long-term weight management. At this year's Service Trade Fair, Novo Nordisk did not display physical products, only introduced drug related content in the form of graphic and textual display boards, and introduced health knowledge such as how to determine obesity and the association between obesity and over 200 complications.
Lilly chose to directly display the GLP-1/GIP dual agonist tilpotide in the glass cabinet of the booth. In July of this year, the weight loss indication of the drug was officially approved in China, making it the first and only approved GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist. According to the second quarter report of Eli Lilly, the global revenue of the weight loss version of Tilpotide in the first half of the year was 1.761 billion US dollars, of which 1.243 billion US dollars were generated in the second quarter.
Despite the popularity of weight loss pills, the basic way to lose weight is still to establish a good lifestyle, including diet and exercise. In June of this year, the National Health Commission and 16 other departments jointly issued the Implementation Plan for the "Weight Management Year" activity, proposing that starting from 2024, efforts will be made to establish a supportive environment for weight management within about three years, significantly improve the awareness and skills of weight management among the public, popularize healthy lifestyles, and gradually form a good situation of weight management with the participation and benefit of the whole population. Some people's abnormal weight conditions will be improved.
On the morning of September 13th, in the high-quality development achievements public welfare exhibition area of the health and hygiene service exhibition area, staff from the Beijing Physical Examination Center introduced the current obesity situation in China and the ways to control obesity. When it comes to how to eat healthily, the staff emphasized that accessibility to healthy eating is very important. It may be difficult to fully comply with telling someone how many grams to eat for each meal or each type of food, and practical dietary advice must be provided.
At the exhibition booth of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, staff recommended the exercise method of ultra slow jogging to exhibitors. The reporter learned from the booth staff that ultra slow jogging has a speed similar to walking, with a speed controlled at 10-15 minutes/kilometer. One of its advantages is efficient fat burning and weight loss. To achieve weight loss, one should run for 45 minutes at a time, 4-5 times a week. Beginners can start with 10-15 minutes each time and gradually increase to longer periods of time, with one day of running and one day of rest.
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