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Yihang Intelligent was invited to share advanced global development experience in air traffic at the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization

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From September 9th to 12th, Yihang Intelligence was invited to participate in the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) first themed seminar on Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), where 400 senior government officials from 75 countries, representatives from the United Nations system and the International Aviation Industry Association, as well as leading global manufacturers and operators, discussed the safe, automated, and environmentally friendly future development of urban air traffic.
At this seminar, the attending representatives issued a global action initiative to accelerate the safe and sustainable deployment of advanced air traffic technologies. Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, stated that advanced air transportation will fundamentally change the way passengers, goods, and services are transported by rebuilding urban and regional transportation. He said that achieving this vision still requires starting from the global level of technology, infrastructure, regulation, and social needs, achieving mutual promotion, careful consideration, and planning.
During the conference, Yihang Intelligent showcased the EH216-S unmanned manned aerial vehicle and shared the company's experience and practices in the airworthiness certification of unmanned manned electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and global commercial operations at the seminar, providing reference and assistance for the development of the global AAM industry.
Yang Jiahong, Chief Financial Officer of Yihang Intelligent, discussed the development prospects of autonomous driving in the field of AAM with experts and business leaders from NASA, Transport Canada, Joby Aviation, and other institutions at the "The Human and AAM" themed seminar, and provided suggestions on the safe operation of the global AAM industry.
The large-scale operation of urban 'air taxis' requires the support of unmanned driving and cluster management, "said Yang Jiahong. In the future, urban' air taxis' will have short range and large quantity, requiring very precise control of flight routes and time. The command and dispatch system combined with unmanned driving can better achieve refined management and ensure safe and efficient operation.
China has provided strong support for unmanned eVTOL technology, and Yihang Intelligent's independently developed EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft has obtained the world's first model certificate, production license, and standard airworthiness certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). It is currently working with CAAC to promote the approval of operating licenses, and actively promoting commercial operation deployment in cities such as Guangzhou, Hefei, Shenzhen, and Wuxi, "Yang Jiahong said.
It is reported that in April this year, Yihang Intelligence reached a cooperation agreement with Multi Level Group (MLG), a leading fintech group in the Middle East and North Africa region, and the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO), aiming to promote the development of eVTOL aircraft in the United Arab Emirates and other regions. Next, Yihang Intelligence will join hands with more global partners to firmly shape the future of air transportation and support the development of the global AAM industry.
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