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Xiaopeng P7+is held accountable for leaking information in advance, with millions of fans and self media apologizing

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Violation of confidentiality agreement, the self media "Lin Lin Go" with millions of followers has been held accountable by Xiaopeng Motors.
On the late night of September 19th, the legal department of Xiaopeng Motors issued a statement stating that a self media platform called "Linlin Go" had released relevant information about Xiaopeng Motors' new product P7+on multiple online platforms.
The self media system was invited to participate in the P7+product experience and disclosed unpublished product information and related trade secrets to the public without authorization. This behavior violates the provisions of the Confidentiality Agreement and infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of Xiaopeng Motors. Xiaopeng Motors will pursue the legal responsibility of the media in accordance with the provisions of the Confidentiality Agreement and legal provisions, "said Xiaopeng's legal department.
Public information shows that the self media platform "Linlin Go" is active on multiple platforms such as Weibo, Dongchedi, and Yiche. As of now, the number of its Weibo followers is 1.411 million.
On the early morning of September 20th, "Linlin Go" announced on Weibo that it was invited to participate in the filming of Xiaopeng P7+on September 13th, 2024, and signed a confidentiality agreement for video playback. Due to work negligence, the publication time was mixed up, resulting in the content being published on some websites on the morning of September 19th.
If any trouble or loss is caused due to the leakage of the video, I will fully cooperate to resolve it, and the corresponding responsibility should also be borne by me, "the self media also stated.
It is worth mentioning that on September 19th, He Xiaopeng, Chairman of Xiaopeng Motors, drove Xiaopeng P7+to attend the 2024 Yunqi Conference hosted by Alibaba. He Xiaopeng stated on Weibo that "P7+is positioned as the world's first AI car, and we look forward to AI big models deeply changing the automotive industry and intelligent driving. According to the official website of Xiaopeng Motors, according to the plan, the Xiaopeng P7+will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year.
In recent years, new forces in car manufacturing have frequently taken strong measures to punish acts of leaking information. In February 2024, two employees of Ideal Automobile were punished with termination of their labor contracts, recovery of all improper profits, and revocation of vested and unclaimed stock options due to multiple unauthorized paid interviews with external securities firms, resulting in the leakage of company trade secrets.
In December 2023, some media and employees intentionally leaked actual photos of Xiaomi cars without permission while signing a "Confidentiality Commitment Letter" and knowing their confidentiality obligations and corresponding penalties, and were held responsible for the leak by Xiaomi Group. In addition, in November and December 2023, three former employees of Xiaomi's automotive department participated in the so-called "Xiaomi Automotive Seminar" organized by external securities firms and investment institutions without permission, with the purpose of collecting "consulting fees" during their tenure. They fabricated and spread a large amount of erroneous and false information, seriously misleading the market and disrupting Xiaomi's normal business operations. Xiaomi Group will dismiss him, never hire him, and pursue legal responsibility in accordance with the law.
Industry insiders have analyzed that compared to traditional automotive companies, new forces in the automotive industry are in a highly competitive state and attach great importance to confidentiality work. Especially during the critical period when the launch of new cars is approaching and production, sales, and publicity work is being urgently promoted, relevant trade secrets are even more valued by the company.
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