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Apple iPhone 16 officially goes on sale, scalpers claim to charge up to 700-800 yuan for Pro Max this year

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The Apple iPhone 16 series has officially gone on sale.
On the morning of September 20th at 8 o'clock, Apple's new flagship phone iPhone 16 series was officially released in major Apple stores. When the Pengpai News reporter arrived at the Apple retail store on Nanjing East Road in Shanghai, the first batch of users who had made appointments to pick up their goods had already lined up indoors.
In recent years, Apple has been using two methods for iPhone sales: pre ordering in store pickup and shipping. The former is easier for consumers who have direct stores in their location to get their phones first. This year's pre-sale will start at 20:00 on September 13th. You need to make advance payment and pick up the goods at the store within the scheduled time. The appointment opening on the same day is less than 1 hour. Taking Shanghai as an example, the Pro series was fully booked on the day of its first release on September 20th.
A consumer surnamed Wang told a reporter from The Paper that this year he helped his friend buy a gold and white 512GB iPhone 16 Pro Max, but he is still using the iPhone 15 series and has not purchased a new one.
From this year's pre-sale situation, the newly added desert gold color is the most popular, but there are also consumers who prefer the classic black color.
At the Apple Global Harbor store, a large number of pre booked users are also waiting at the store entrance to collect their new phones. Multiple consumers have expressed that the update efforts for Apple's new phones this year are not significant, and even AI functions cannot be used immediately. Originally, their expectations were not as high, but due to usage habits, they still choose Apple.
It is worth noting that on the day of the launch of Apple iPhone 16, Huawei's triple screen phone Mate XT was also officially released, but the price starts at 19999 yuan. The reservation page shows that more than 6.85 million people have made reservations. However, compared to Apple's pre-sales, Huawei Mate XT reservations do not require advance payment and need to wait for official notification of the specific delivery date or online purchase at 10:08 am on the 20th.
Some consumers who are currently waiting in line to receive their iPhone 16 have expressed that they personally prefer to use Apple, and they feel that Huawei's 20000 yuan three fold screen phone cannot be obtained. "One is that they cannot obtain it, and the other is that they think the two fold screen is completely sufficient. It depends on when Apple releases the foldable screen," Wang, a consumer surnamed Wang, told The Paper.
Although many netizens previously claimed that the Pro Max series was short on time during iPhone pre-sales and it was difficult to schedule for first day shipping, the premium was not high based on the price increase by scalpers on the day of release. Several scalpers told The Paper that the market is not good this year, and the highest markup is only between 700-800 yuan.
Near the Nanjing East Road store, the reporter saw at least 5 scalpers saying, "It's a bit difficult to make this year, except for the new color of gold (which sells well), but the maximum price can be increased by 400 yuan. The 256GB one is the best to sell, and the 1TB one is not needed and cannot be sold
When the reporter proposed to purchase a mobile phone, another scalper said that the gold and silver 256G Pro Max in their hands would be priced at an additional 800 yuan on top of the original price. However, after bargaining, the price was reduced to an additional 600 yuan.
The reporter found that scalpers default to accepting Pro Max and refuse to accept 16 Pro. A scalper said, "Adding 50 yuan to the Pro for personal use is fine, but it won't sell well. We'll have to sell it at a lower price in the afternoon." Another scalper sighed, "Last year we had an additional 800 yuan, but this year it's completely gone. The gold color is okay, it's the same concept as last year's blue color
This year's market is average, and peers are selling for an additional 600 yuan. Each phone earns a profit of 50-100 yuan, "said a scalper at the entrance of Global Harbor. The popular model this year is Desert Gold, with Pro Max 512G priced at an additional 500 yuan, sold for 600 yuan, 1T priced at an additional 700 yuan, and sold at an additional 800 yuan.
As of the time of writing, only some models of the Pro series in Shanghai's directly operated stores can be scheduled for same day pickup, and the entire Pro Max series is out of stock. An Apple employee stated that currently, appointments are required for pickup, especially for the Pro series. There has never been a situation where customers can purchase directly in store without making an appointment on the day of its launch, but the 16 standard model can be purchased without making an appointment.
On the early morning of September 10th, Apple officially released the iPhone 16 series, with starting prices of 5999 yuan and 6999 yuan for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus, respectively. There are five colors available for iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus, namely black, white, pink, navy blue, and navy blue. The camera arrangement has changed from a diagonal distribution to a vertical arrangement. The starting price for iPhone 16 Pro 128GB is 7999 yuan, while the starting price for iPhone 16 Pro Max 256GB is 9999 yuan. The iPhone 16 Pro series is available in four colors, including white titanium, black titanium, primary titanium, and the latest "desert titanium".
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