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What is the actual sales situation of MONA M03 during the celebration held by He Xiaopeng and Wang Fengying?

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Interface News Reporter | Yang Shihan
On the occasion of Xiaopeng Motors' 10th anniversary, this car company, which is increasingly far from the top tier of new car makers in terms of sales, urgently needs a high-volume product to boost morale. In this context, Xiaopeng Motors has launched its cheapest model since its establishment - the MONA M03.
According to official data, within 52 minutes of the new car's launch, the large order quantity exceeded 10000 units. Within 48 hours, the order quantity reached 30000 units, breaking the record of 25000 units obtained by Xiaopeng G6 within 96 hours of its launch.
Interface News recently visited a Xiaopeng Motors store located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. According to the store's sales representative, the Xiaopeng MONA M03 has sold over 50000 units nationwide since its launch. The store sold approximately 70 to 80 vehicles. During the mid week visit, the reservation interface displayed by the salesperson showed that the car had already been reserved for 2-3 test drives on weekdays this week.
At present, the MONA M03 is sold out nationwide, and the two main versions of the models on sale need to be ordered and wait for production scheduling. The low-end version of both will wait for 2 to 4 weeks, while the high-end version will wait for 5 to 7 weeks.
In a widely circulated video on the internet, Wang Fengying, the CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, appeared at the Xiaopeng MONA M03 celebration, which was her long-awaited public appearance. During the meal, she made an exception and raised a toast to everyone present, expressing her recognition of the achievements of the MONA project and gratitude to those present.
According to Wang Fengying, this is the first time in her life that she has publicly consumed alcohol to show her appreciation for MONA. Before joining Xiaopeng Motors, Wang Fengying had been fighting in the automotive industry for more than 30 years, once leading the pickup truck marketing of Great Wall Motors.
To celebrate the sales performance of this new car as expected by the company, He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, personally swept the floor and brought afternoon tea to the employees. In another video, He Xiaopeng revealed that new and updated cars will be released every quarter for five consecutive quarters in the future. He believes that salespeople who achieve better performance are all post-00s, and M03 is popular among young consumers due to its design and intelligent features.
According to Interface News, customers who come into the store to learn about the MONA M03 do generally recognize the exterior design of this car. But this does not necessarily mean that this car will satisfy all consumers.
A common concern is the lack of a dashboard, and salespeople will proactively introduce customers to the possibility of purchasing accessories and installing them themselves in the future. Xiaopeng offers a free shopping credit of 800 yuan for shopping in the mall, which can be optionally equipped with a dashboard and other peripherals. Some customers who have experienced it firsthand also believe that the rear space of this car is slightly narrow, but as a compact car, it is acceptable.
Due to the collaboration between Xiaopeng and Didi to create the MONA M03, there have been opinions on the internet that this car may be positioned closer to ride hailing services, which has caused some hesitation among consumers. If there are many similar commercial vehicles shortly after purchasing this car, the value of this car may be affected
Xiaopeng's next phase goal is to ensure delivery. To avoid the same mistake as last year when Xiaopeng G6 lost users due to insufficient production capacity, the company stated that it has already stabilized its supply chain ahead of schedule.
According to component supplier Bojun Technology, the body parts supplied by the company for the Xiaopeng MONA M03 model are independently supplied. The orders for August have been delivered, and the expected delivery volume for September is over 10000 vehicles. According to a report by 21 Finance, relevant personnel from Bojun Technology stated that the company's production capacity can meet the demand for MONA M03 orders, but it is currently impossible to calculate how much profit the orders can contribute to the company.
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