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Digging into Trump's corner? Harris: If elected, Republicans will be selected to join the cabinet

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US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris vowed on Thursday that if she defeats former President Donald Trump in the November 5th election, she will select a Republican to join her cabinet.
My entire career has been seeking different opinions, "Harris said in an interview with CNN. I think it's important to involve people with different perspectives and experiences when making some of the most important decisions. I believe that having a Republican in my cabinet would benefit the American public
But Harris did not disclose which Republican candidates he would consider.
Obviously, Harris is making efforts to cater to Republicans who are critical of Trump. Over the past month, more and more Republicans have leaned towards the Harris camp.
It is worth noting that this is Harris' first interview with mainstream media since replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate over a month ago. His running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz, also gave an interview. The interview was conducted earlier on Thursday and will be broadcast on CNN at 9pm Eastern Time on Thursday.
Defend the shift in policy stance
Harris had planned to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2020 election, but withdrew from the race before the primary. Her stance on some key issues has changed since her 2020 presidential campaign, such as hydraulic fracturing and immigration.
Harris' stance on immigration issues at the US Mexico border is now more firm, and he no longer supports hydraulic fracturing (a common shale oil extraction method ban). This mining method has created a large number of jobs for Pennsylvania, which is one of the few swing states that may determine the outcome of the November presidential election.
In Thursday's interview, Harris defended his clear shift towards a middle ground in some policy areas.
When asked by CNN anchors about a series of questions such as "how voters should view the changes you have made" and "whether what you are saying now can become your future policies," Harris emphasized that although his position has changed, his values have not changed.
I think the most important and crucial aspect of my policy views and decisions is that my values have not changed, "Harris said.
Harris picked two hot topics to illustrate her situation: border security and climate change.
You mentioned the Green New Deal, "Harris said. I have always believed, and have been working towards it, that the climate crisis is real, it is an urgent issue, and we should take some measures
We have achieved this through the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set targets for the United States and the world regarding when we should meet certain standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
My values are that we need to do something to protect our borders, and this value has not changed, "Harris continued. I served as the California Attorney General for two terms, responsible for prosecuting transnational criminal organizations and violations of US law, including illegal border crossings of firearms, drugs, and individuals. My values have not changed
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