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be vigilant! The first case in Asia! Monkeypox Ib variant cases can be transmitted through droplets

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Recently, the Thai health department confirmed the first case of monkeypox Ib variant in the country, which is also the second global case and the first case of Ib variant in Asia after the World Health Organization sounded a global public health alert for the monkeypox epidemic.
Thailand reports the first Asian case of monkeypox virus "branch Ib" variant strain
The disease control department of the Thai Ministry of Health stated that the patient who tested positive for the "branch Ib" variant of monkeypox virus is a European male. The laboratory test results on August 22 confirmed that he was infected with the "branch Ib" variant of monkeypox virus.
The mortality rate of the new strain is 3%, and it has spread to multiple African countries. Among known fatal cases, the proportion of patients under 5 years old exceeds 60%.
The Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced on the 14th that the monkeypox outbreak constitutes a "public health emergency of international concern". This is the second time in over two years that the World Health Organization has declared a monkeypox outbreak a "public health emergency of international concern," and it is also the highest level global pandemic alert under the framework of the International Health Regulations.
According to data from the World Health Organization, the number of reported cases of monkeypox has exceeded 15600 since the beginning of this year, surpassing the total number of cases last year, with 537 deaths.
On August 15th, the General Administration of Customs issued a notice requiring individuals from countries (regions) where monkeypox outbreaks occur who have been in contact with monkeypox cases or have symptoms such as fever and headache to declare to customs upon entry; Related containers, goods, etc. should be subjected to sanitary treatment according to the prescribed procedures.
The variant strain of monkeypox virus' branch Ib 'can be transmitted through droplets
On August 24th, Zhao Lei, chief physician of the Infectious Diseases Department at Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital, told reporters that monkeypox virus can be divided into two evolutionary branches: branch I and branch II. Branch I was once known as the Central African Branch or the Congo Basin Branch; Branch II was once known as the West African branch, further divided into IIa and IIb branches.
The monkeypox Ib branch virus was detected in the monkeypox outbreak in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo in September 2023. On August 14, 2024, the World Health Organization declared the monkeypox outbreak a 'public health emergency of international concern' largely due to the monkeypox Ib branch, "said Zhao Lei.
Zhao Lei introduced that in the past, the prevention of monkeypox virus mainly emphasized direct contact or sexual transmission. But the "branch Ib" variant strain discovered in Thailand this time has a new evolutionary branch I lineage. This lineage allows the virus to be transmitted not only through animals, but also through human secretions (such as respiratory droplets), rashes, or contaminated items, making it more threatening
It is worth noting that the monkeypox epidemic has made teenagers and children the "hardest hit areas". According to the first meeting held by the World Health Organization on August 19 regarding the sharp increase in monkeypox cases in 2024, the most affected population this time are women and children under the age of 15. Children account for over 70% of the cases and 85% of the deaths, with a mortality rate for children four times that of adults.
Five Questions and Five Answers about Monkeypox
What is monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease discovered in 1958 in experimental animals such as monkeys, mainly found in rainforest countries in central and western Africa.
Monkeypox virus has two branches, the West African branch and the Congo Basin (Central Africa) branch. The first human case of monkeypox was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970.
How is monkeypox transmitted?
Monkeypox can be transmitted through sexual activity, as well as through bodily fluids, skin contact, respiratory droplets, or contact with virus-infected items such as bed sheets, bedding, and clothing.
Monkeypox can also be transmitted through contact with infected animals such as monkeys, mice, and squirrels.
What are the symptoms of monkeypox?
The initial symptoms of monkeypox infection in humans include fever, headache, muscle soreness, back pain, and swollen lymph nodes, which can later develop into a widespread rash on the face and body. Most infected individuals will recover within a few weeks, but there are also cases of severe illness or even death.
What is the mortality rate of monkeypox?
Although the pathogenicity of monkeypox virus infection in humans is lighter than that of its similar virus, smallpox virus, it can still cause death with a mortality rate of 1% -10%. There is currently no effective treatment for this disease.
How to prevent monkeypox?
Experts say that confirmed patients need to undergo isolation to avoid infecting others. The general population should not come into contact with the skin and body fluids of patients who may have monkeypox, and should not come into contact with contaminated clothing, towels, and bedding from patients, which are effective measures to prevent infection. Keeping a distance, wearing masks, and washing hands frequently in densely populated areas, avoiding contact with wild animals, especially those that are sick or dead, and not consuming undercooked meat products can also reduce the risk of infection.
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