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BYD denies acquiring Chrysler and claims it has not collaborated with any individual or organization for collision testing

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The Ministry of Commerce and seven other departments have issued a notice on further improving the work of exchanging old cars for new ones
On August 16th, the Ministry of Commerce and seven other departments issued a notice on further improving the work of exchanging old cars for new ones. According to the notice, for individual consumers who meet the requirements of the "Implementation Rules for Automobile Trade in Subsidies", scrap old cars and purchase new cars, the subsidy standards will be increased from 10000 yuan for purchasing new energy passenger cars and 7000 yuan for purchasing fuel passenger cars, respectively, to 20000 yuan and 15000 yuan.
China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: The production and sales of new energy vehicles in July increased by 22.3% and 27% year-on-year, respectively
According to the analysis of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in July 2024, new energy vehicles maintained a relatively fast year-on-year growth. In July 2024, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 984000 and 991000 respectively, with year-on-year growth of 22.3% and 27%, respectively. From January to July 2024, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 5.914 million and 5.934 million respectively, an increase of 28.8% and 31.1% year-on-year.
BYD denies acquiring Chrysler
On August 16th, it was reported that BYD is advancing the acquisition of Chrysler. Li Yunfei, General Manager of BYD Group's Brand and Public Relations Division, responded with "false information".
The collision video with Xiaomi SU7 has sparked heated discussions, and Jike claims that it has not collaborated with any individual or organization for testing
According to a public announcement from the legal department of Jike, a certain self media outlet recently tested the collision between Jike 007 and a certain model of a competitor on an online platform. At the same time, there were a large number of rumors and guiding content online, calling this test a "paid test". After verification, Jike has not cooperated with any individual or organization for such testing. Jike reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for any false information. Jike does not agree with or participate in any "smear friendly" marketing tactics, and firmly opposes any behavior suspected of "unfair competition". Previously, a video of the collision test between Extreme Krypton 007 and Xiaomi SU7 sparked heated discussions.
Volkswagen will concentrate the research and development of Chinese pure electric vehicles in Anhui province
According to 36Kr, Volkswagen, headquartered in Wolfsburg, Germany, is building the world's second-largest research and development center in Anhui, China. In recent adjustments, Volkswagen has centralized the research and development of pure electric vehicles in China to Volkswagen (China) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as VCTC) located in Anhui. With this adjustment, a large number of personnel will be transferred to VCTC in Anhui or transferred to other businesses, while the Beijing R&D center will retain some hybrid project development. The core of this round of adjustment is to concentrate efforts and integrate production and research, further integrating the research and development of pure electric vehicles in China into VCTC.
SAIC GM executives deny Buick sale to SAIC, Chevrolet exits China
According to DCD, there have been recent rumors on the internet that General Motors has sold Buick to SAIC and Chevrolet has withdrawn from China. Regarding this, Lu Xiao, the newly appointed general manager of SAIC General Motors, said in an interview, "Speculations about the direction of Buick and Chevrolet brands are all rumors. In the future, SAIC General Motors will continue to adhere to the development strategy of 'multi brand, differentiation' and simultaneously focus on new and old tracks
Jishi 01 Standard Range Edition officially launched
On August 16th, Jishi Motors announced that the Jishi 01 Standard Range Edition was officially launched, with a starting price of 299900 yuan. It is equipped with CATL ternary lithium batteries, CLTC pure electric range of 215 kilometers, and full fuel and full charge range of 1275 kilometers.
Rivian suspends production of Amazon delivery vehicles due to parts shortage
A spokesperson for Rivian, a US electric vehicle manufacturer, announced on August 16th that the company has temporarily suspended production of commercial delivery vehicles used by retail giant Amazon due to component shortages.
The demand for electric vehicles has stagnated, and the factory operating rates of the two major battery manufacturers in South Korea have significantly decreased in the first half of the year
According to the Korean Central Daily News, the factory operating rates of the two major battery manufacturers in South Korea have significantly decreased in the first half of this year. The temporary stagnation in demand for electric vehicles has led to a decrease in new orders from vehicle manufacturers.
According to mid year reports released by various companies on the 15th, LG New Energy's average factory operating rate in the first half of this year was 59.4%, a decrease of 15.4 percentage points from the first half of last year. The average operating rate of SK On in the first half of this year was 53.0%, a sharp decline of 44.6 percentage points compared to the first half of last year. Samsung SDI's operating rate in the first half of this year was 76%, slightly higher than the first half of last year, but this data only applies to small batteries. Samsung SDI has not publicly disclosed its operating rate for medium and large batteries mainly used in electric vehicles, making it difficult to directly compare with other companies.
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