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BOSS directly hires job seekers to select their 'Best Recruiter'

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On August 15th, BOSS Direct Recruitment launched the "Best Recruiter" campaign. This is the first event in the entire industry that is only aimed at individual recruiters, based on big data of recruiter behavior and job seeker feedback, aiming to discover recruiters on the platform who have friendly communication with job seekers, excellent recruitment abilities, and professional qualities.
The "Best Recruiter" campaign has currently covered the main cities where BOSS Direct Recruitment conducts business. The list is mainly calculated by the platform's big data based on the recruiter's monthly recruitment performance and job seeker feedback. The main focus is on the comprehensive performance of recruiters in terms of recruitment civility, dialogue friendliness, interview professionalism, and communication enthusiasm during the process of communicating with job seekers.
The relevant person in charge of BOSS direct recruitment said, "We hope that through the 'Best Recruiter' activity, 'job seeker friendly' recruiters with professional style and respect for job seekers on the platform can be continuously discovered and seen, and gain recognition from job seekers and the industry
Only recruiters who rank in the top 5% of their city's overall performance can become the monthly "Best Recruiter". Accumulating multiple months of awards means that the recruiter continues to maintain excellent 'job seeker friendliness'. According to the comprehensive data, if a recruiter accumulates the title of "Best Recruiter" for three months, their performance has exceeded 99% of recruiters on the entire platform.
Objective data support to identify the "best recruiter" in the minds of job seekers
Introduction to BOSS direct recruitment: With the advent of the mobile Internet era, direct communication has become the main way for recruiters to interact with job seekers. This mode improves the efficiency of both parties, and puts forward higher requirements on the communication skills and communication ability of recruiters.
Especially in the current era, the communication methods of the new generation of job seekers are more direct, calling for more equal job seeking and recruitment relationships. Facing them, recruiters need to demonstrate more professional performance to eliminate misunderstandings and frictions that may arise from intergenerational, cognitive, and status differences.
During the process of communicating with recruiters, job seekers are more concerned about whether the position and salary are true, whether the dialogue attitude is friendly, and the speed at which recruiters respond and provide feedback on interview results. Therefore, the selection criteria for the "Best Recruiter" were ultimately established as four dimensions: recruitment civility, dialogue friendliness, interview professionalism, and communication positivity. These four dimensions ultimately form quantitative indicators through the behavior data of recruiters on the platform and the feedback data of job seekers, serving as a reference for the "best recruiters".
We believe that doing is always more reliable than saying, "said the relevant person in charge of BOSS direct recruitment, mentioning the reason for using big data models for selection. The behavior data of recruiters on the platform is more reliable because the data will not be bought off and the will of the enterprise cannot influence the results.
It is worth mentioning that in the past, most of the activities were aimed at enterprises, while the "Best Recruiter" was only aimed at individual recruiters.
Who are the 'best recruiters'? Mainly targeting young frontline recruiters
The "Best Recruiter" campaign was piloted in September last year and officially launched in March of this year. In the past year, the concept of "Best Recruiter" has gradually evolved from a vague one to a concrete dimension and a flesh and blood group.
The typical profile of the "Best Recruiter" is young, hardworking, active in the front line, with relatively more women and more HR professionals from medium-sized companies.
Guo Yanjing, the representative of "Best Recruiter," said, "HR is usually the first and fastest to perceive changes in job seekers' emotions, and job seekers will also make preliminary judgments about a company through HR's words and actions. This judgment may even become one of the factors they consider when making their final job search choices." "I hope that in the future, more HR can become the 'best recruiters' in their respective fields, even in the industry, so that more job seekers can feel the warmth from our HR
Chang Wenjing, who works at an education company, emphasizes "taking the initiative". Like Guo Yanjing, she is a young HR professional born after 1995. In order to recruit 100 teachers in less than half a year, Chang Wenjing crazily uses BOSS direct recruitment every day, and the basic operation is to proactively greet 200 teachers a day. At most, she reviewed over 3000 resumes in a day and interviewed more than 300 people in a month. Proactive communication enabled her to successfully complete the '100 Person Challenge'. She said, "It's not because there is hope that we persist, but because we persist that there is hope
Wang Jun switched from the customer service industry to the recruitment industry, and his greatest skill is putting himself in others' shoes. Once, a girl with a programming background came to apply for an administrative clerical position. After judging that the other party may have been "seeking medical help in a hurry", Wang Jun advised her as a friend not to waste time on the wrong career development direction. In the end, the other party found a corresponding job and sent a thank-you letter to Wang Jun.
These three HR personnel have been awarded the title of "Best Recruiter" for a total of three months in the past six months.
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