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Suddenly! Late night attack on Russian mainland

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According to the Russian news agency TASS, in the early morning of August 11th local time, the acting governor of Kursk Oblast, Smirnov, posted on social media that the wreckage of a intercepted Ukrainian missile hit a local residential building, causing a fire and injuring 13 people. There have been no reports of fatalities so far.
According to previous reports, Smirnov posted on social media late on the 10th that the area is facing the risk of missile attacks and the air defense system has begun to operate.
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Explosion sounds were heard in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine
According to Agence France Presse and Reuters, explosions were heard in the Ukrainian capital Kiev from the night of the 10th to the early morning of the 11th local time.
On the early morning of the 11th local time, Kiev, Ukraine sounded an air raid warning.
Russia claims to have thwarted Ukraine's attempt to break through in depth, while Ukraine claims to control settlements
The Ukrainian military launched attacks on the Kursk Oblast of Russia from the 6th, and the fighting in Kursk Oblast continued on the 10th.
On the 10th, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that it would continue to repel Ukrainian military attempts to enter Russian territory, while Ukrainian officials stated that on the same day, the Ukrainian military controlled at least three settlements in Kursk Oblast.
On the 10th, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian military has thwarted multiple Ukrainian mobile teams' attempts to penetrate deep into Russian territory in multiple areas of Kursk Oblast. The Russian military used the Iskander missile to kill 15 commanders of the Ukrainian 22nd Mechanized Brigade in the border area of Kursk Oblast. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Ukrainian military has recently lost a total of 1120 personnel and 140 weapons and equipment in the direction of Kursk, including 22 tanks and 20 armored personnel carriers.
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On the same day, Yuri Mysyakin, Vice Chairman of the National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, stated that on the 10th, the Ukrainian military controlled at least three settlements in the Kursk Oblast of Russia. Ukrainian President Zelensky stated in his regular evening video speech that the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Sersky, has reported multiple times on the front lines, Ukrainian military operations, and Ukrainian military advances into Russian territory.
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Russian side: Ukrainian army loses 1120 people in Kursk Oblast
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 10th that the Ukrainian armed forces have lost 1120 personnel and 140 armored vehicles in military operations in the Kursk Oblast in southern Russia. The Russian State Counter Terrorism Committee announced on the 9th that a counter-terrorism operation system will be implemented in Belgorod Oblast, Bryansk Oblast, and Kursk Oblast.
On the 10th, the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement stating that within 24 hours, the Russian military blocked the Ukrainian mobile forces' attempt to penetrate Russian territory in multiple directions in Kursk Oblast, and the Ukrainian side lost 175 soldiers and 36 armored vehicles. Among them, Russian missiles hit a temporary foreign mercenary base in the southern suburbs of Suja District in the state, killing 15 armed militants.
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The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that since the military operation in Kursk Oblast on the 6th, Ukraine has lost 1120 armed personnel and 140 armored vehicles. At present, the Russian military's operation to attack the Ukrainian army is still ongoing. In addition, the Russian military also carried out air strikes on the Ukrainian military reserve forces in Sumy Oblast, Ukraine.
On the 9th, the Russian National Counter Terrorism Committee stated that Ukraine has taken "unprecedented actions" in an attempt to destabilize the situation in multiple regions of Russia. The Ukrainian armed forces carried out a "terrorist attack" on Kursk Oblast, causing civilian casualties and damage to homes and other civilian facilities. In order to ensure the safety of the public and eliminate the threat of enemy reconnaissance and terrorist attacks, Chairman of the Russian State Counter Terrorism Committee and Director of the Russian Federal Security Service, Bortnikov, has made a decision to implement a counter-terrorism operation system in Belgorod Oblast, Bryansk Oblast, and Kursk Oblast from August 9, 2024. Other necessary measures will be taken in accordance with relevant anti-terrorism laws, as well as temporary restrictive measures.
On the 9th, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that from the night of the 8th to the early morning of the 9th, the Ukrainian military launched drone attacks on targets within Russian territory. The Russian air defense forces shot down a total of 75 Ukrainian drones in Belgorod Oblast, Lipetsk Oblast, Kursk Oblast, Bryansk Oblast, Voronezh Oblast, Oryol Oblast and other areas.
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Lukashenko claims that Ukrainian drones have violated white-collar workers' airspace
Minsk News: Belarusian President Lukashenko stated on the 10th that the white armed forces have shot down multiple Ukrainian drones over the eastern border, and he emphasized that the white side will respond to any provocative actions. The White Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that this move by the Ukrainian side will escalate the situation sharply and strongly protest to the Ukrainian side.
According to the White News Agency, Lukashenko pointed out on the same day that the Ukrainian armed forces violated all rules of conduct and infringed upon Belarusian airspace. He has instructed the White Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces to take corresponding measures to ensure national security. He emphasized that the White side will respond to any provocative actions.
On the 10th, Belarusian Defense Minister Helenin told the media that at 18:10 on the 9th, the White Air Defense Force discovered unidentified flying objects flying from Ukraine towards Belarus, and the White Air Force and Air Defense Forces immediately entered a level one combat readiness state. After the aerial target entered the white sky, the white side destroyed some of the targets. White suspects that these targets are attack drones, and the search for the wreckage of the shot down targets is underway. The remaining drones flew towards Russia, and according to shared information from the Russian side, these targets were shot down near Yaroslavl, Russia.
Khrushchev also stated that according to Lukashenko's orders, the White Armed Forces have strengthened their military deployment in the tactical direction of Gomel and Moziri to respond to any possible provocations.
The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the same day stating that the Ukrainian attack drone's violation of the Belarusian border is a very serious incident. These criminal acts have escalated the situation rapidly and are a dangerous attempt to expand the scope of the current conflict in the region, and to involve Belarus in it.
The statement stated that if the conflict escalates, the flames of war will sweep across the entire region and spread to EU countries. The White Ministry of Foreign Affairs will report the incident to relevant agencies of the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Co operation in Europe, as well as other international organizations that White has joined. The White Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the White side will fully exercise its right to self-defense and respond appropriately to any provocation or hostile actions.
On the same day, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Ukrainian interim office in Belarus and submitted a protest letter, strongly protesting against the Ukrainian drone invasion of the Belarusian border and demanding that the Ukrainian side take measures to avoid similar incidents that may further escalate the regional situation in the future. The White Ministry of Foreign Affairs specifically pointed out that "if the Ukrainian diplomatic institutions in Belarus cannot have an impact on preventing such provocative actions, the White side may raise the question of whether it is appropriate for them to continue to stay in Minsk.
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