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Global Technology Early Participation | Apple Autumn Reportedly Will Release the Smallest Mac Computer in History; OpenAI CEO releases strawberry photo to spark speculation; A new AI model for predicting protein sequences has emerged

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Friday, August 9th, 2024
NO.1 Apple Autumn Reportedly Will Release the Smallest Mac Computer in History
According to Mark Gurman, a technology journalist from well-known financial media, citing informed sources, the Apple Mac Mini consumer desktop computer will undergo a thorough design transformation. It will not only be equipped with the latest Apple self-developed M4 and M4 Pro chips when it is released this fall, but also become the smallest computer in Apple's history. This will also be the first major design change for Mac Mini desktop computers since 2010, the era of Steve Jobs.
Comment: Apple's thorough design redesign and size reduction of Mac Mini may indicate its innovative pace in the field of personal computing devices, or attract consumers who pursue portability and design sense.
OpenAI CEO releases strawberry photos, sparking new model speculation
According to media reports, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman posted a photo on social media with a few strawberries and the caption "I love summer in the garden". The outside world speculates that Altman's move may be a metaphor for GPT-5. Previously, OpenAI was revealed to be developing a new generation of basic models called "Strawberry", formerly known as Q * (pronounced Q-Star).
Comment: Sam Altman's strawberry photo may indicate a new breakthrough for OpenAI in AI models, sparking industry attention and expectations for its next-generation AI technology.
NO.3 X-rays penetrate the "inner" of microchips with record breaking accuracy
According to media reports, scientists from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and the University of Southern California in the United States have collaborated to use X-rays for the first time to observe the "inner world" of advanced computer microchips with ultra-high precision of 4 nanometers, creating a new world record. The relevant paper was published in the latest issue of the journal Nature.
Comment: The new breakthrough of X-rays in microchip observation provides more sophisticated tools for chip design and manufacturing, which may have significant impacts on fields such as information technology and life sciences.
NO.4 AI Pin returns higher than new orders for consecutive months
According to media reports, as one of the first hardware products to become popular in the AI era, the concept interactive hardware AI Pin launched by American startup Humane is currently facing difficulties. Since May of this year, the company has consistently received more AI Pin returns than new sales orders. It is reported that the shipment volume of AI pins and accessories so far is about 10000 pieces, far lower than the company's original expectation of selling 100000 pieces in the first year of listing.
Comment: The high return rate of AI pins may reflect the market's acceptance of new interactive hardware and the challenge of product experience. Humane needs to analyze user feedback in depth to improve the product.
A new AI model for predicting protein sequences with NO.5 has been developed
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) driven model called CARBonAra, which can predict protein sequences based on the main chain scaffold imposed by different molecular environments. This model is expected to bring significant progress in protein engineering and multiple fields including medicine and biotechnology. This achievement was published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Communications.
Comment: The development of CARBonAra model brings new tools to the field of protein prediction, and its potential in medical and biotechnology applications is worth looking forward to, which may accelerate related scientific discoveries.
Disclaimer: The content and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Based on this operation, the risk is borne by oneself.
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