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Trump's heavyweight preview: Will be interviewed by Musk next week! What sparks will these two create?

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① Trump announced on his social media platform Truth Social that he will receive an important interview with Elon Musk next week After the assassination attempt on Trump last month, Musk immediately publicly endorsed Trump and announced a large donation Trump claimed at last weekend's Georgia campaign rally that he "supports electric vehicles" because of Musk, and he had to do so.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced that he will be interviewed by Elon Musk next Monday evening (August 12th) local time. Musk's companies include Tesla, SpaceX, social media X, and others.
Trump posted on his own social media platform Truth Social, saying, "On Monday night, I will have an important conversation with Elon Musk - details will be announced later
It is currently unclear where this interview will be held.
According to known information, in May of this year, it was reported that Musk's social media company X platform planned to hold a live video conference with former President Trump before the US election. Musk subsequently forwarded the message and replied, 'This will be very interesting,' implying that Trump may live stream on the X platform.
For many years, Trump was a top user on Twitter (now renamed X platform) until the platform announced the suspension of his account in 2021, citing that he incited his supporters to launch riots at the US Capitol.
This ban was lifted after Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion. On August 24th last year, after more than two and a half years, Trump logged back into his account on the X platform and posted a headshot of himself, declaring that he would never surrender.
Although the X platform has been opened to Trump, he still chooses to stay on Truth Social on a daily basis. Truth Social is owned by the publicly traded company Trump Media, whose major shareholder is the former president.
Therefore, if the conversation announced by Trump is live streamed on X platform, it will mean that Trump appears on X platform again after a year.
Musk endorses Trump
Last month, Trump was assassinated at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, with a bullet piercing his right ear but not harming his life.
About half an hour after the incident, Musk announced his support for Trump's candidacy, breaking the tradition of social media platform leaders declaring neutrality.
Musk also created and funded a political action committee to support Trump's campaign, called the America PAC. It is reported that Musk will personally make a large donation to Trump, although the amount is not as much as the rumored "45 million dollars per month", it is enough to make Trump often worry about it, and the amount should not be small.
In response to Musk's enthusiasm, Trump often mentioned during the campaign that Musk is a key ally.
Trump told the crowd at last weekend's Georgia campaign rally that he "supports electric vehicles" and "must do so" because "Elon strongly supports me, so I have no choice
However, recently, the America PAC created by Musk is receiving attention from the North Carolina Attorney General's Office and the Michigan Secretary of State.
Last Sunday (August 4th), a spokesperson for the Michigan Secretary of State's office stated in a statement that the America PAC committee is under investigation in Michigan for potentially violating state laws by collecting voter information.
On Monday (August 5th), the North Carolina Election Commission announced that it has launched an investigation into America PAC after receiving complaints that the organization collected personal data from website users and failed to help users register to vote as promised.
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