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Related subsidiaries of Evergrande Auto enter bankruptcy reorganization process, Tesla sues third-party charger parts manufacturer

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China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: China's share of the world's automobile market in June 2024 is 33%
On August 3rd, the Passenger Car Market Information Joint Branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association announced that the world's automobile sales in June 2024 reached 7.8 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 1% and a month on month increase of 4% compared to May. June 2024 is still 10% lower than the peak in June 2023, at the median level of previous years. The sales volume from January to June 2024 was 43.86 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 3%. In June 2024, the world share of Chinese automobiles was 33%.
Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, stated in a document that the growth rate of new energy passenger vehicles in China has been stronger than the world average recently. In 2022, China's global share of new energy passenger vehicles will exceed 63%; China's share of the world in 2023 is 63.4%; From January to June 2024, China will continue to maintain a 64.5% share, with the world share of new energy passenger vehicles in China reaching 67% from April to June.
Evergrande Auto: Related subsidiaries enter bankruptcy reorganization process
On August 5th, Evergrande Auto announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the relevant local people's court held a hearing on the bankruptcy reorganization of the related subsidiary company on August 2nd, and the relevant local people's court ruled that the related subsidiary company entered the bankruptcy reorganization procedure.
Fengfei Airlines receives hundreds of millions of dollars in strategic investment from CATL
On August 3rd, CATL and Fengfei Airlines signed a strategic investment and cooperation agreement, with CATL exclusively investing hundreds of millions of dollars and becoming a strategic investor in Fengfei Airlines. Fengfei Aviation stated that it will work together with CATL to develop eVTOL aviation batteries and accelerate the research and airworthiness certification of the manned version of the aircraft, the Shengshilong.
Tesla's Texas Supercomputing Cluster Named "Cortex" with Nearly 100000 NVIDIA Chips
On August 3rd local time, Musk announced on social media that the supercomputing cluster at Tesla's Texas Gigafactory has been named "Cortex" and pointed out that it has just completed exercises for the new facility. Cortex has approximately 100000 Nvidia H100 and H200 chips used for training fully autonomous driving (FSD) and humanoid robot Optimus.
Stellantis delays production of new car models due to software issues
According to reports, the launch of the Citroen e-C3, a key electric vehicle under Stellantis Group, in the European market will be postponed due to unresolved software issues.
The Citroen e-C3 is a key product planned by Stellantis Group, with orders for this model exceeding 30000.
Tesla sues third-party charger accessory manufacturers, claiming their products have been covered by hot air insurance
On August 4th, electric vehicle giant Tesla filed a lawsuit against EVject, a third-party charger accessory manufacturer that has received high praise from electric vehicle users. Tesla claims in the lawsuit that the charging connector poses serious safety hazards and damages Tesla's brand image.
Tesla has the largest electric vehicle charging network in North America, with some supercharging stations located in relatively remote areas that may have lower nighttime safety. EVject stated that due to Tesla having to unplug the charging plug to start the vehicle, drivers may face danger in emergency situations.
Canadian unions call for increased taxes on imported electric vehicles from China: additional taxes on top of the 100% tax rate
According to reports, Unifor, the largest union representing private sector workers in Canada, has recently called on the Canadian federal government to impose tariffs on all Chinese made electric vehicles, electric vehicle batteries, and other components, in line with some of the tariff measures previously proposed by the United States. Unifor requires Canada to impose additional taxes on Chinese made electric vehicles on top of the existing 100% tariff rate, impose a 25% surcharge on batteries, and impose tariffs on the import of electric vehicle components such as electric motors and battery materials.
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