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Qualcomm sues for patent infringement in Europe, Transsion Holdings: The company is actively responding and internally reviewing

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On July 30th, Transsion Holdings fell 2.91% to 76.71 yuan per share, with a turnover of 402 million yuan and a total market value of 86.6 billion yuan. It is reported that Qualcomm has recently sued Transsion Holdings for patent infringement at the European Unified Patent Court (UPC).
In response to this, a reporter from Southern Finance and Economics contacted the investor relations department of Transsion Holdings as an investor. Relevant personnel acknowledged the authenticity of the news and stated that the company is currently actively responding to this matter and is still sorting it out internally. At that time, there will be a unified approach to communicate with everyone (investors).
The impact of the incident on the company's revenue and stock price is unclear, according to the aforementioned individuals.
According to 21st Century Business Herald, on July 12th, Qualcomm sued Transsion Holdings in India.
In the Delhi High Court of India, Qualcomm sued Transsion Holdings for infringement of four non essential patents, case number: Case NO. CS (COMM) 569/2024.
According to other media reports, Qualcomm has also filed lawsuits against Transsion in Europe and China for alleged patent infringement. According to legal documents cited by the media, Dutch company Philips has also sued Transsion in India. Nokia is also pressuring Transsion to pay patent fees for its products.
It is worth noting that Nokia has already signed licensing agreements with seven major mobile phone manufacturers, and Transsion is the only mobile phone company with shipments in the top five globally but has not yet signed a contract.
Transsion is one of the top five mobile phone manufacturers in terms of global shipments, with three major brands: TECNO, iTel, and Infinix. The company's business started in Africa and is therefore known as the "King of Africa". Today, it has expanded to emerging markets around the world such as South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. As of the third quarter of last year, over 70% of its sales came from markets outside of Africa.
According to IDC data, in the first quarter of this year, Transsion shipped 28.5 million units, a year-on-year increase of 84.9%, firmly ranking fourth in the world, surpassing OPPO and vivo.
The main battlefield of this lawsuit is India, which is also the main battlefield of Transsion's mobile phone business. According to an IDC report, Transsion's market share in the Indian smartphone market in 2023 is 8.2%, ranking sixth. At the same time, Transsion has set up local factories in India, Bangladesh and other places.
Part of the content in this article is sourced from 21st Century Business Herald (reporters Lin Dianchi and Liu Bingyi)
(Disclaimer: The content of this article is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate based on this and bear the risks themselves.)
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