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Vipshop releases its 2023 ESG report: Adhere to brand sales strategy, create sustainable new life together

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On July 25th, Vipshop officially released the "Environmental, Social and Governance Report (2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "ESG Report"). The ESG report shows that in 2023, Vipshop has taken a series of measures to promote low-carbon development, continuously meet consumers' quality of life needs, build a diversified talent team, and develop public welfare undertakings, working together with stakeholders to promote green and sustainable development of enterprises and society.
Promote self operation and value chain carbon reduction, and jointly create a carbon neutral future
In 2023, Vipshop will continue to carry out energy-saving and carbon reduction practices to promote the achievement of its carbon neutrality goals, with the commitment of achieving carbon neutrality in its own operations by no later than 2030 and a 50% reduction in carbon emissions intensity in the three categories by no later than 2030.
In its own operational field, Vipshop continuously explores emission reduction potential through carbon reduction measures such as photovoltaic power generation, green electricity use, and energy-saving transformation. Among them, Vipshop South China Logistics Park, Central China Logistics Park, as well as Shanshan Outlet Nanchang, Nanning, Ganzhou, and Xuzhou stores have all deployed photovoltaic power stations, with a total annual power generation of 58355 megawatt hours in 2023, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 32000 tons.
In the field of carbon reduction in the value chain, Vipshop promotes green packaging and develops green logistics. Among them, it uses recycling boxes more than 270000 times a year and cooperates with universities and research institutes to invest in the research and development of biodegradable materials, helping to promote the marketization process of biodegradable packaging materials in the e-commerce industry; By optimizing transportation routes, integrating resource distribution, etc., we can improve transportation energy efficiency and drive suppliers to reduce carbon emissions.
In addition, Vipshop has formulated the "Vipshop Biodiversity Conservation Commitment", which clarifies the strategies for participating in biodiversity conservation, implements plans, and takes practical actions. For example, as the lead donor, it collaborates with the Nature Conservancy (TNC) to support the management of the Miyun Nature Forest and the optimization of bird habitats in Beijing, helping to create a new demonstration of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature around the city.
Adhere to the brand special sales strategy and continuously meet the quality life needs of consumers
In response to the growing demand for high-quality and cost-effective products from consumers, Vipshop takes a user perspective and, through a team of over a thousand buyers, continuously selects more authentic and high-quality products from well-known brands. We also collaborate with brands to create customized and cost-effective products to meet users' needs for good quality and good prices.
At the same time, Vipshop has further strengthened its benchmark programs such as Super Brand Day, Vipshop Quick Grab, and Three fold Crazy Grab. It has successively launched special activities such as the National Sports Festival and the New School Renewal Season, as well as new programs such as Vipshop Outlet, Vipshop Luxury, and Trend Intelligence Bureau, to enhance user shopping experience and help brands better reach users.
In 2023, Vipshop signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Inspection and Certification Group to increase the guarantee of genuine products, allowing consumers to buy with more confidence and peace of mind. At the same time, the platform continues to enrich the product rights, service rights, and life rights of Super VIP (SVIP). The number of active SVIP users increased by 13% year-on-year to 7.6 million throughout the year, and the membership renewal rate significantly improved.
Advocate for a culture of diversity, equality, and inclusivity, and build a diverse talent pool
Vipshop has released the "Vipshop Commitment on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion", which will promote the DEI culture to take root at multiple levels by enhancing the diversity of employee composition and promoting fairness in talent utilization throughout the entire lifecycle.
Among them, in terms of caring for disabled employees, Vipshop will create an equal and inclusive environment by optimizing hardware facilities and conducting disability friendly training. As of the end of 2023, Vipshop has over a hundred disabled employees. At the same time, Vipshop actively creates a female friendly workplace environment and releases the "Vipshop Women's Workplace Growth Report" to encourage female employees to achieve self-development and self breakthrough.
Vipshop has invested over 120 million yuan to build the Weijia Apartment, which is rented to employees at around 10% off the price, providing them with a safe and comfortable living environment and reducing their living costs. As of the end of 2023, the company has a total of 1049 talent apartments.
Empowering women, promoting rural revitalization, and advancing the development of social welfare undertakings
Vipshop continues to focus on women's empowerment, rural revitalization, Internet public welfare innovation and other sectors, and has created a series of public welfare projects such as Loving Mothers, Loving Public Welfare Plan, and Langtou Rural Revitalization. As of the end of 2023, Vipshop's cumulative investment in public welfare has reached 719 million yuan.
Among them, the diverse cultural formats of the Longtou Rural Revitalization Project, such as Chunyangtai Art and Culture Center, Hechunzhu Boutique Homestay, Heart Painting China Immersive Light and Shadow Art Exhibition, and Longtou Grassland Leisure Space, have all opened. Longtou Village has been selected as one of the first typical counties, towns, and villages in Guangdong Province's "Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Project" in 2023. The "Longtou Model" of cultural guidance and public welfare empowerment has achieved initial results.
In the field of women's empowerment, the Love Only Mom project has served 174000 disadvantaged single parent families; At the same time, Vipshop's public welfare participation in the West Lake Women Scientists Development Support Program provides support and incentives for female researchers, encouraging more young women to engage in scientific careers.
In addition, in 2023, Vipshop's logistics operation centers located in multiple parts of the country will leverage their warehousing location advantages to provide one-on-one assistance to surrounding villages, creating the "One Warehouse, One Village" project to improve the material living conditions of 12 villages across the country and promote local spiritual civilization construction.
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