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Tesla's Q2 report under pressure, autonomous driving taxis may bring about change

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Tesla recently announced that it will release its financial results after the stock market closes on July 23rd. Analysts say that in order to offset the decline in sales in major markets, including the United States, Tesla has introduced a series of price cuts and incentive measures, including subsidizing financing rates and leasing transactions, which may affect its profit performance in the second quarter.
However, those who are optimistic about Tesla believe that Musk's promise of a self driving taxi (Robotaxi) may bring about a revolution for Tesla. If the event is pushed from August to October, our bullish view on Tesla's artificial intelligence and autonomous taxis will not change. "Dan Ives said that a two month delay may make autonomous taxis and prototype cars better and more eye-catching.
According to foreign reports, Tesla recently announced that it will release its financial results for the second quarter of this year after the stock market closes on July 23, and will then hold a earnings conference call with Wall Street analysts. As usual, Tesla's earnings conference call is chaired by CEO Elon Musk.
Analysts say that in order to offset the decline in sales in major markets, including the United States, Tesla has introduced a series of price cuts and incentive measures, including subsidizing financing rates and leasing transactions, which may affect its profit performance in the second quarter.
Data shows that Tesla's global car delivery volume in the second quarter was 443956 units, a year-on-year decrease of 4.8%; The delivery volume in the first quarter was 386810 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 8.5%. In addition, Tesla's gross profit margin for the first quarter decreased from 19.3% in the same period last year to 17.4%; The average selling price of each car is $44926, a year-on-year decrease of about 5%.
Barclays Bank stated in a research report that Tesla has recently faced numerous unfavorable factors, including shifting its development focus from automobile manufacturing to new businesses such as autonomous driving and artificial intelligence. Although we are optimistic about the disruptive opportunities that these businesses may bring, they also bring uncertainty to Tesla's future, "said Dan Levy, a senior analyst at Barclays.
However, those who are optimistic about Tesla believe that Musk's promise of a self driving taxi (Robotaxi) may bring about a revolution for Tesla. Musk initially planned to hold an autonomous taxi event on August 8th, but in mid July, he announced that the event would be postponed and did not provide a specific date. Bloomberg quoted anonymous sources as saying that the event may be held in October.
If the event is pushed from August to October, our bullish view on Tesla's artificial intelligence and autonomous taxis will not change, "said Wedbush analyst Dan Ives. The two month delay may make autonomous taxis and prototype cars better and more eye-catching.
It is worth noting that Tesla's shareholders are inquiring about the potential of autonomous taxis and operating carpooling services. They left a message on a website that may be questioned during the earnings conference call, with top ranked questions including, "If it weren't for August 8th, what would be the specific time for the launch of autonomous taxis?" and "When do you expect to be able to ride an autonomous taxi for the first time
In fact, Musk did not give the exact time for launching the self driving taxi service, because Tesla needs the approval of the regulatory authorities to run autonomous vehicle on public roads. (Translated by Jiang Zhiwen, China Economic Net)
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