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Industry insiders: Global 'Microsoft Blue Screen' sounds alarm for network security, research and development 'upgrade' urgently needed

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Wu Ji, Chief Reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily's Creative App
According to CCTV News, on July 19th local time, some applications and services under Microsoft in the United States were unable to be used, resulting in access delays, incomplete functionality, or inability to access, and a large number of blue screens appearing on user computers. This technological malfunction swept across the globe, causing a large-scale event that caught people off guard: flights to multiple countries and regions were suspended, industries such as healthcare, banking, and hotels were "shut down", and even the London Stock Exchange was affected... Currently, Microsoft announced that the malfunction has been repaired and the situation is gradually recovering.
In an interview, the COO of Aoto Cloud Security stated that the security incident caused by security software was mainly due to conflicts between CrowdStrike's driver program and the Windows operating system. The underlying reasons may be incompatibility, conflicts between drivers, or the possibility of drivers triggering kernel bugs.
He said that this incident also brought important insights to the industry: firstly, safety remains the top priority. Secondly, in the selection of security product technology routes, software development usually includes kernel mode and user mode. The former has higher system permissions and can directly access hardware, but the disadvantage is that incorrect drivers may endanger the stability and security of the entire system; If the latter goes wrong, it usually only affects a single application and will not cause system crashes. At present, it seems that CrowdStrike is the problem caused by kernel state. If we try to use non kernel forms as much as possible, the probability of such problems occurring will be much lower.
He also mentioned that full updates are also a major industry taboo when conducting software updates. The usual practice in the industry is grayscale updates, such as step-by-step updates by region, industry, etc., as well as updates during non working hours and non peak business periods, and then large-scale updates after stabilization. This way, even if there are problems, it is not easy to affect the business continuity of customers, let alone affect customers worldwide.
This matter not only affects computer users worldwide, but also highlights the importance of choosing reliable technologies in the field of network security. For China, strengthening the research and application of domestically produced and independently controllable network security products is not only an important way to enhance the country's independent and controllable capabilities in network security, but also a solution; quot; Stuck neck& quot; The key to the problem.
Degree introduction: CrowdStrike's product is essentially a PC based EDR product, mainly using threat intelligence and machine learning technology to analyze process behavior. Compared with CrowdStrike, Aoto has shown significant advantages in server intrusion detection capabilities, web attack and weak command protection, and 0-day application protection. Whether on the server or PC, Qingteng can provide the same level of security protection and reliability. In addition, the product can also provide two modes: no drive and drive. In no drive mode, it can meet the majority of safety detection and protection capabilities.
It is believed that CrowdStrike's global blue screen incident provides an opportunity for Qingteng Cloud Security to enter overseas markets. With the official operation of offices in Singapore and Hong Kong, it will accelerate its overseas layout in the future; And analyze from four aspects: strengthening domestic research and development, enhancing independent and controllable capabilities, promoting the application of domestic products, and improving laws and regulations - the government should increase support for the research and promotion of domestic network security products, provide policy and financial support, and encourage enterprises to carry out technological innovation; Strengthen cooperation between universities, research institutions, and enterprises, promote the transformation of scientific research achievements, and facilitate technological progress and product innovation; Encourage enterprises to increase research and development investment, develop network security products with independent intellectual property rights, and enhance product competitiveness; Focus on breaking through key technologies such as operating systems, databases, middleware, etc., and reduce dependence on external technologies; Participate in or lead the formulation of international standards, enhance the discourse power and influence of domestic technology in the international market; Strengthen the security review of imported cybersecurity products to ensure that they do not pose a threat to national cybersecurity.
At the same time, promote the demonstration application of domestic network security products in key areas and important industries, and accumulate application experience; Strengthen network security education for users, enhance their awareness and trust in domestic network security products; Actively promote domestic network security products through various channels and methods to enhance market acceptance; Improve laws and regulations related to network security, and provide legal protection for the research and application of domestic network security products; Establish a sound network security regulatory mechanism, strengthen the supervision of network security products, and ensure their security and reliability.
In recent years, Qingteng has actively cooperated with relevant agencies of national ministries and commissions to carry out research on cloud security, software supply chain security, data security and other related topics, as well as to write national and industry standards, aiming to promote the compliance and healthy sustainable development of China's cloud security industry. As the first security vendor in China to be selected for the Gartner CWPP report, it focuses on cloud security construction in the field of critical information infrastructure. With its independently developed security products, it has been widely used in key areas such as government, finance, operators, tobacco, power grid, transportation, manufacturing, etc., providing strong support for the country's network security and information construction.
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