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Century Internet has been selected for the S&P Global Sustainable Development Yearbook (China Edition) for two consecutive years

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On July 16th, S&P Global officially released the "Sustainable Development Yearbook (China Edition) 2024" (referred to as the "Yearbook (China Edition)"). Century Internet Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Century Internet") has been selected as the top Chinese enterprise in the IT services industry for its outstanding ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance, and has become the only enterprise in the industry to be selected for two consecutive years in the Chinese version of the yearbook.
The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (hereinafter referred to as "S&P CSA") is one of the most influential and credible sustainability assessment systems in the world. In the 2023 S&P CSA, Century Internet ranks in the top 11% of the global IT services industry and has won the highest score for Chinese companies in the industry for two consecutive years. Its performance in areas such as information network security, environmental management, climate strategy, labor practices, and customer relationship management far exceeds the industry average.
Century Internet takes the "SHIELD" sustainable development system as its core and actively carries out actions in six major action areas: community, talent, innovation, environment, governance, and development. In terms of governance, Century Internet has established an ESG governance structure with board responsibility, management leadership, cross departmental cooperation, and top-down linkage, and has integrated ESG concepts into important decision-making processes of the group to promote sustainable development of the enterprise.
In the context of the coordinated development of green economy and digital economy, Century Internet aims to achieve carbon neutrality in scope 1 and scope 2 at the operational level by 2030, actively promoting the green transformation of data centers. Through the construction of distributed photovoltaics, the creation of integrated projects for source grid load storage, the application of liquid cooling technology, and participation in green electricity market transactions, it continuously improves the energy efficiency and proportion of renewable energy in data centers. At the same time, the group firmly grasps the opportunity of AI driven computing power demand, adheres to model innovation, technological innovation, and application innovation, actively builds a new computing power infrastructure in the era of big models through the coordinated development of "computing particles" and "electric particles", promotes AI oriented green energy strategy, and continues to focus on high-quality business growth.
In the social field, as a member company of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Century Internet is committed to creating a diverse, equal, and inclusive working environment for employees, suppliers, and partners. While providing high-quality products and services to customers, it promotes technological innovation and actively practices corporate social responsibility. In 2023, female employees accounted for 31% of the management positions at Century Internet, with a national customer satisfaction rate of 99.81% and the addition of 125 new intellectual property rights.
In the future, Century Internet will work together with various stakeholders to move towards a digital future of green, low-carbon, and high-quality development, and continuously advance towards the goal of "bringing green DC from data centers to thousands of households".
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