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Apple PC shipments surge in Q2, supply chain companies such as Wentai Technology are expected to start a new growth cycle

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On July 11th, Apple's stock price briefly reached $233.08 during trading, with a market value of $3.57 trillion, becoming the world's first company to surpass $3.5 trillion in market value. While the stock price has performed impressively, the shipment volume of Apple products has also continued to surge, far exceeding the industry average. The significant increase in market value and PC shipments has attracted great attention from the market to Apple's supply chain enterprises.
According to a market research report released by IDC on July 9th, global PC shipments reached 64.9 million units, with an annual growth rate of 3%. The shipment volume of Apple personal computers (PCs) achieved a significant increase of 20.8% in the second quarter of 2024.
According to Canalys' data, the sales of Mac series products in the United States have shown an increasing trend in the first quarter of 2024, and the recovery of the global PC market is particularly evident in the second quarter. The performance of Apple's Mac products further consolidates its leadership position in the global market.
Apple's growth is attributed to its launch of the Apple Intelligence AI feature, which closely follows the industry trend of artificial intelligence personal computers and effectively drives an increase in product shipments and sales. On June 11th, Apple launched its first generative artificial intelligence model, Apple Intelligence, which defines a new standard for intelligent systems based on its five core characteristics. It also announced a partnership with ChatGPT to launch a beta version in the fall.
Apple has set high standards for suppliers with its refined product line and large-scale procurement, which includes not only production level and manufacturing scale, but also research and development and quality management capabilities.
Through cooperation with Apple, supply chain enterprises can not only obtain orders and market share, but also have the opportunity to enhance their technological strength, become potential suppliers for other electronic device manufacturers, and further expand their international market.
Although becoming a part of Apple's supply chain has strict conditions, it also brings huge market opportunities for related companies. Apple's main MacBook assembly suppliers include Foxconn, Guangda, and Wentai Technology.
It is reported that as a leading global semiconductor and product integration enterprise, Wentai Technology has established a close cooperation relationship with Apple. Starting from the MacBook with M1 processor, to the current MacBook with M3 and M4 chips, Wentai Technology's cooperation with Apple has gradually deepened. Recently, Wentai Technology announced in its performance forecast that the demand from overseas major customers improved in the second quarter of this year, and the revenue from product integration business increased month on month. It can be seen that the order volume and cooperation projects between Wentai and Apple are constantly increasing.
The industry generally believes that with the further clarification of Apple's artificial intelligence strategy, MacBook is expected to achieve higher than expected shipments driven by AI and hardware iteration. With the steady increase in Apple product shipments, supply chain companies such as Wentai Technology are expected to embark on a new growth cycle.
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