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Shell Rental Achieves Important Strategic Cooperation in Guangzhou

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Beike Rental recently reached a strategic cooperation agreement with China Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. Zhang Delong, Vice President of China Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Company, and Song Chunhui, Vice President of Beike Group and Chief Operating Officer of Beike Rental Apartment, signed the strategic cooperation agreement on behalf of both companies. This means that Guangzhou will welcome the first Beike New Youth Apartment project to take root and land.
It is reported that the cooperation between the two parties, Beike New Youth Apartment, is located in the heart of China Singapore Knowledge City - Building C1 of China Singapore Smart Park. The total construction area of the project is 16000 square meters, and the number of carefully planned apartments exceeds 380. The product types include exquisite and compact single rooms and spacious and comfortable one bedroom apartments, aiming to create high-quality and well-equipped living spaces for the elite talents gathered in China Singapore Knowledge City.
The China Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City is jointly invested and built by Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee's state-owned enterprise Knowledge City (Guangzhou) Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Asia's top large-scale diversified real estate group Kaide Group. It carries the responsibility of serving as the starting point and core innovation platform of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, and is a model of economic transformation in Guangdong Province jointly advocated and established by Singapore and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government.
We highly value the data and capabilities accumulated by Beike Rental over the years of service. The application of C2M concept can guide the design of products that better match market demand, and the ability to provide quality services can continuously improve tenant experience and stickiness, promoting the sustainable and stable operation of apartments Zhang Delong stated.
The landing of Beike New Youth Apartment in Guangzhou this time cannot be separated from the cooperation and trust of both parties. "We hope that the landing of this project can provide young people with affordable, integrated work and living, safe, and clean independent living space, attracting young people from Guangzhou, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and other places to come here for innovation and entrepreneurship," said Song Chunhui.
In this cooperation, both parties have adopted a new investment sharing model. During the 15 year cooperation period, Beike Rental will provide efficient operation and high-quality services for the project, bringing comfortable, convenient, and enjoyable living experiences to residents.
In the future, both parties will continue to deepen cooperation in areas such as housing transactions, home decoration, and real estate development, and work together to continuously enrich the new supply of the residential market, contributing to the prosperous development of cities and the healthy and sustainable development of the housing rental market.
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