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Microsoft abandons observer seats on the OpenAI board in an attempt to dispel antitrust concerns

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In the increasingly strict global technology regulatory atmosphere, technology giant Microsoft has decided to maintain a certain distance from artificial intelligence company OpenAI.
On July 10, 2024, Microsoft announced that it would relinquish its observer seat on the OpenAI board, stating that it had made "significant progress" in the past eight months and was confident in the company's development direction, no longer believing that the seat was necessary.
It is understood that there was a significant personnel change at OpenAI in November last year - CEO Sam Altman was suddenly fired by the board of directors, but returned to OpenAI within a few days. Afterwards, Microsoft accepted non voting observer seats on the OpenAI board of directors. This seat means that Microsoft can participate in OpenAI's board meetings and obtain confidential information, but does not have voting rights in matters such as elections or director selection.
According to media reports, in a letter to OpenAI, Microsoft confirmed that it had relinquished its seat, and the decision took immediate effect. This indicates that Microsoft's decision has been discussed with OpenAI.
Microsoft stated, "We are grateful to the leadership and board of OpenAI for their support in making this decision." "We accepted the position of non voting board observer when rebuilding the board of directors at OpenAI. This position allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the board's activities without compromising its independence. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve as an observer during this period of change."
"In the past eight months, we have witnessed significant progress made by the new board of directors, and we are full of confidence in the company's development direction." Microsoft added, "Considering all of this, we no longer believe that a limited role as an observer is necessary."
Over the years, Microsoft's investment of over $13 billion in OpenAI and its position as a board observer have raised concerns among antitrust regulatory agencies in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States about Microsoft's control over OpenAI.
According to previous reports from Southern Metropolitan Government, in early June, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reached an agreement to investigate whether Microsoft and its investment partner OpenAI have an unfair advantage in rapidly developing technology. On June 28th, Margrethe Vestager, Vice President of the European Commission, also revealed that the EU will seek more third-party opinions on Microsoft's cooperation with OpenAI.
Microsoft's move may be seen as an attempt to dispel concerns from antitrust regulators.
It is worth mentioning that Apple and OpenAI announced a partnership last month, and iPhone and Mac users will be able to use Siri to query ChatGPT. Subsequently, news spread that OpenAI planned to provide an observer seat for Apple executive Phil Schiller.
According to insiders, with Microsoft's exit, OpenAI no longer plans to establish any observer seats on the board. Apple declined to comment on this.
In its latest statement to the media, OpenAI stated, "We appreciate Microsoft's confidence in the board of directors and the company's development direction, and we look forward to continuing successful cooperation." OpenAI also stated that it will establish new ways of participation through regular stakeholder meetings with strategic partners such as Microsoft and Apple, as well as relevant investors.
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