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Model Y Enters Local Government Procurement Catalog Tesla's Q2 Delivery Volume Exceeds Expectations and Stock Price Continuously Rises

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On July 5, the WeChat official account of Shanghai "Lingang New Area Investment Promotion Service Center" announced that many state-owned enterprises, including Chengtou Xinggang Group, Lingang Investment Holding Group and others, had recently taken the lead in purchasing a batch of Tesla Model Y vehicles as enterprise function vehicles, and said that this was a positive response of state-owned enterprises in Lingang New Area to treat domestic and foreign enterprises equally in their procurement activities.
Tianyan check shows that the authentication subject of the above WeChat official account is "Shanghai Lingang Enterprise Service Development Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "Lingang Service Company"), which was established in October 2015. According to equity penetration, Lingang Service Company is 100% owned by the Financial Settlement and State owned Assets Affairs Center of the Lingang New Area Management Committee of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone.
A reporter from China Business Daily noticed that in addition to state-owned enterprises in Shanghai Lingang New Area purchasing Tesla Model Y, the recently disclosed "Jiangsu Provincial Party and Government Organs, Public Institutions, and Group Organizations 2024-2025 New Energy Vehicle Framework Agreement Procurement Qualification Announcement (III)" by Jiangsu Government Procurement Network shows that Tesla Model Y has entered the Jiangsu Provincial Government's new energy vehicle procurement catalog.
Regarding the specific process of Model Y being selected for the Jiangsu Provincial Government Procurement Catalogue, the reporter called the contact person left by Tesla in the "shortlisted supplier list", who stated that they did not receive authorization from the company to respond to external issues. The specific content is stated in the announcement.
As Tesla's most popular SUV model, the Model Y has a very impressive market performance worldwide. The second quarter production and delivery report released by Tesla shows that as of June 30, the production for the quarter was 411000 vehicles, with a delivery volume of 444000 vehicles, a month on month increase of 15%, higher than market expectations. Among them, the Model 3/Y delivered a total of 422400 vehicles.
The unexpected delivery volume also drives investor confidence. On July 2nd, Tesla's stock price surged 10.20% in the US stock market, with a market value skyrocketing by $68.2 billion, equivalent to RMB 496.2 billion. On July 3rd, Tesla's stock price continued to rise by over 6%, setting a record for seven consecutive trading days of gains.
First time shortlisted for government procurement catalog
"Government procurement is also 249900 yuan," a sales consultant at Tesla in Shanghai posted on his personal social media on July 6th. The accompanying image shows a screenshot of Tesla Model Y entering the Jiangsu Provincial Government's new energy vehicle procurement catalog.
In the Chinese market, the starting price of Tesla Model Y is 249900 yuan, which may be one of the reasons for entering the Jiangsu Provincial Government's new energy vehicle procurement catalog. According to the open framework agreement procurement solicitation document published by the Jiangsu Provincial Government, the scope of purchasers or service recipients applicable to this framework agreement includes party and government organs, public institutions, and group organizations at all levels in Jiangsu Province.
The reporter noticed that the above-mentioned procurement projects involve subcontracting of sedans, off-road vehicles and SUVs, commercial vehicles and MPVs, pickup trucks, and other vehicles. Among them, the requirements for SUVs are 5-7 seats, a wheelbase greater than 2600mm (including), a pure electric range of ≥ 400KM, an extended range of ≥ 100KM, and a plug-in distance of ≥ 60KM. The fast charging time is not more than 0.8 hours, and the maximum price limit is 250000 yuan.
The open framework agreement procurement solicitation document also points out that during the framework agreement period, shortlisted suppliers can upgrade and replace products that have already been shortlisted according to procedures, with technical performance services not lower than the corresponding original shortlisted products, and prices not higher than the corresponding original shortlisted products (which must be products that are normally supplied to the market or government approved products). The procurement center will conduct regular audits based on the application situation. During the validity period of the framework agreement, if the manufacturer reduces the price of the shortlisted products, the shortlisted supplier shall promptly declare the adjustment of the price in the Suzaiyun system.
Zhang Xiang, a visiting professor at the Yellow River University of Science and Technology, stated that the Model Y rear wheel drive version has entered the Jiangsu Provincial Government's new energy vehicle procurement catalog, marking Tesla's first entry into the government's procurement catalog. This has certain significance for Tesla. "This may be related to Tesla's previous data security testing, as Tesla meets domestic data security requirements for smart cars."
On April 28th, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and the National Computer Network Emergency Technology Coordination Center issued a notice on the testing of four safety requirements for automotive data processing (first batch). Tesla was listed among them and is the only foreign-funded enterprise that meets compliance requirements. Tesla's domestically produced Model 3 and Model Y also meet automotive data security compliance requirements.
"The procurement catalog is open, and there are many other car companies that are not targeted by the government to purchase from Tesla, so there is no need to break down the list. Entering the list does not necessarily mean that they will be purchased in the end." Zhang Xiang explained, "Even if the government purchases in the end, it will not bring a lot of orders to Tesla. Tesla's sales mainly come from the private car market."
According to a research report by Oriental Securities, Tesla's entry into multiple government and state-owned enterprise procurement catalogs is expected to become a new growth point for Tesla in the Chinese market in the future. "Based on the previous announcement that Tesla's domestically produced Model 3 and Model Y both meet automotive data security compliance requirements, we look forward to an accelerated pace of FSD (Full Self Driving) entering China in the future."
Expected to start limited production of humanoid robots next year
"It uses the same pure visual system as the robot, so it can be understood that this car is more like a four wheeled robot," said the staff at the Tesla booth at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2024) on July 5th.
The reporter noticed on site that as a pioneer in the artificial intelligence industry, Tesla will continue to participate in WAIC 2024 this year and showcase its latest achievements in Cyber Off roader, Optimus humanoid robot, FSD (Fully Autonomous Driving Ability), etc.
Tesla's in car artificial intelligence chips have been upgraded from the previous HW3.0 to the current HW4.0, allowing vehicles to mimic human driving styles and become qualified "drivers" relying on vision. Tesla CEO Musk stated at a recent shareholder meeting that Tesla has completed the design of HW5.0, known as AI 5, which will have 10 times the performance of HW4.0.
The reporter learned that Tesla FSD equipped with HW4.0 is continuously upgrading and iterating in fully autonomous driving, and has entered the V12.4 stage, which can make flexible and accurate responses to quite complex road conditions. Tesla's Q1 2024 safety report shows that Tesla, which uses the Autopilot autonomous driving assistance system, has achieved driving safety that is 11.4 times the average level in the United States.
Tesla's second-generation humanoid robot is also one of the most eye-catching high-tech products on the booth. The full body control ability and balance of the humanoid robot mentioned above have evolved, and on the basis of excellent upright walking, its walking speed has increased by 30%. Ten fingers have evolved into perception and touch, making it easy to handle fragile eggs or heavy boxes with ease.
It is understood that Tesla is expected to start limited production of humanoid robots next year, with over 1000 Optimus robots helping humans complete production tasks at Tesla factories. Musk predicts that in the future, humanoid robots will become the mainstay of industry, with a number expected to surpass humans, reaching 10 billion to 20 billion units. Tesla aims to produce 1 billion units annually, occupying over 10% of the market share. Its cost is controlled at around $10000, with an estimated selling price of $20000, which will bring Tesla a market of $25-30 trillion.
The Tesla Cyber off-road wagon has also become a popular product of external attention due to its futuristic exterior design, bulletproof body, and multiple leading technologies in the automotive industry. It is the world's first vehicle to adopt a 48V low-voltage architecture.
The reporter learned that thanks to the 48V low-voltage system, the Cyber off-road wagon is equipped with wire controlled steering technology and rear wheel steering technology, which reduces the steering wheel rotation angle and makes turning or turning easier. At the same time, the turning radius is also smaller, making the Cyber off-road wagon with a turning radius of over 5.6 meters the same as the Model S, and it also has nearly 5 tons of traction capacity.
The above station wagon is equipped with the latest HW4.0 autonomous driving assistance hardware, supporting fully autonomous driving capabilities. Tesla supports OTA upgrades across its entire lineup, with new features launched almost every month. The updates cover safety, intelligence, and entertainment, with rich content and stronger features, such as lane level navigation, holographic driving, parking sprites, automatic trunk opening, and unique locking sound.
The reporter noticed that at Tesla's shareholder meeting in mid June, Musk mentioned that the Cyber off-road wagon had achieved a record production of 1300 units per week, with a goal of reaching 2500 units per week by the end of the year.
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