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Alibaba Cloud has released the Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 model with parameters reaching billions of levels

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On October 31st, Alibaba Cloud officially released the 100 billion level parameter large model Tongyi Qianwen 2.0. On that day, the Tongyi Qianwen APP was officially launched in major mobile application markets, and everyone can directly experience the latest model capabilities through the APP.
It is reported that in the past six months, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 has made a huge leap in performance. Compared to the 1.0 version released in April, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 has significantly improved its abilities in complex instruction comprehension, literary creation, general mathematics, knowledge memory, and other aspects.
The ability to understand both Chinese and English is a fundamental skill in large language models. In terms of English tasks, by significantly increasing the number of parameters, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 can better understand and handle complex language structures and concepts; In terms of Chinese tasks, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 has further strengthened its ability to understand and express Chinese due to the model learning more Chinese language materials during training.
In fields such as mathematical reasoning and code understanding, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 has made significant progress. In the inference benchmark test GSM8K, Tongyi Qianwen demonstrated strong computing and logical inference capabilities; In the HumanEval test, the Tongyi Qianwen score closely follows GPT-4 and GPT-3.5. This test mainly measures the ability of large models to understand and execute code fragments, which is the foundation of their application in programming assistance, automatic code repair, and other scenarios.
It is reported that Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 has made technical optimizations in command following, tool usage, and refined creation, which can be better integrated into downstream application scenarios. The official website of Tongyi Big Model has launched multimodal and plugin functions, supporting segmented tasks such as image input and document parsing.
At the same time, eight industry model groups based on the Tongyi big model training have been launched, including Tongyi Lingcode Intelligent Coding Assistant, Tongyi Zhiwen AI Reading Assistant, Tongyi Listening and Learning AI Assistant, Tongyi Xingchen Personalized Character Creation Platform, Tongyi Dianjin Intelligent Investment Research Assistant, Tongyi Xiaomi Intelligent Customer Service, Tongyi Renxin Personal Exclusive Health Assistant, and Tongyi Farui AI Legal Advisor. The 8 major industry models are targeted at the most popular vertical scenarios today, using domain data for specialized training. Users can directly experience the model functionality on the official website, and developers can integrate model capabilities into their large model applications and services through web page embedding, API/SDK calls, and other methods.
It is understood that as of the end of October, Alibaba Cloud has conducted in-depth cooperation with more than 60 industry leading partners, promoting the implementation of Tongyi Qianwen in fields such as office, culture and tourism, electricity, government affairs, medical insurance, transportation, manufacturing, finance, software development, etc.
Alibaba Cloud CTO Zhou Jingren revealed that Alibaba Cloud plans to open source the 72B version of Tongyi Qianwen in the near future. Previously, Alibaba Cloud had already opened up versions 7B and 14B of the model, with a cumulative download volume of over 1 million. Alibaba Cloud will continue to support developers of Qianxing Baiye to innovate models and applications based on the Tongyi Qianwen open-source model.
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