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Starbucks has lowered delivery fees to 7 yuan from now on, and some products will be charged packaging fees

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On July 3rd, a Chao News reporter learned from Starbucks China that the charging method for Starbucks exclusive Star Delivery services will be integrated and adjusted. Among them, the special star delivery fee has been reduced from 9 yuan per order to 7 yuan, and some products have started to charge a packaging fee of 1 yuan per item.
Image source: Starbucks China
Just now, a trendy news reporter opened the Starbucks app and ordered two Starbucks ice drinks. The system displayed a packaging fee of 2 yuan, but the delivery fee was displayed as 0 yuan. It is reported that this is a limited time event on the day of the fee adjustment.
Starbucks APP
"When placing orders on apps and mini programs, there will be irregular promotional activities," Starbucks China staff told Chao News reporters. The collection of packaging fees has no effect on Star Club members' delivery orders. "Star Club members can place orders through the official app/WeChat mini program and enjoy a maximum packaging fee of 2 yuan per order. Members can also redeem 1 free shipping voucher with 3 stars."
After the adjustment of Starbucks exclusive delivery fees, if members of the Star Club need to deliver a drink, they will need to pay a packaging fee of 1 yuan and a delivery fee of 7 yuan, totaling 8 yuan, which is 1 yuan cheaper than the original price before the adjustment; If you need to deliver two or more drinks, you will need to pay a packaging fee of 2 yuan plus a delivery fee of 7 yuan. The price will be the same as the original delivery fee, totaling 9 yuan.
The Chao News reporter learned that in addition to the packaging fee for handmade drinks, baked goods, sandwiches, cakes, and other foods will also be charged a packaging fee of 1 yuan. Chocolate, nuts and other packaged foods, bottled beverages, packaged yogurt, cups and other products are not subject to additional packaging fees.
Image source: Starbucks China
It is not uncommon for the catering industry to adjust packaging and delivery fees.
In February of this year, the official pricing for KFC Home Express delivery fees was lowered from 9 yuan to 6 yuan. At the same time, KFC began to charge packaging service fees at its discretion. In terms of coffee and tea beverage brands, brands such as HEYTEA, Diandian, and MIXue BingCheng are also charging packaging fees, and the amount of packaging fees is often related to the number of cups ordered.
"In addition to paper cups and packaging paper bags, many brands also charge fees specifically for insulation bags, ranging from two or three yuan to seven or eight yuan." Xiao Sun, who often orders afternoon tea takeout, said that the packaging of branded drinks is indeed getting better and better, and the difference in appearance and taste when delivered to hand is not much different from when picked up at the store. In Xiaosun's view, it is understandable to charge packaging fees for appropriate packaging upgrades, but we hope that the brand does not "over package" as a result.
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