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Youdao Dictionary Pen X7 Goes to the First Exhibition of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference

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Recently, NetEase Youdao officially launched the all-new Youdao Dictionary Pen X7, which not only has an AI camera built-in, but also comes with two heavyweight application functions of the education model "Ziyue": AI general subject family teacher Xiao P teacher and virtual human oral private teaching Hi Echo, helping users connect the entire learning scene from word search translation to general subject learning. At the upcoming 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, this 24/7 responsive "all-around AI tutor" will step onto the international stage, showcasing the latest progress in AI enabled education and ushering in the era of AI dictionary based comprehensive tutoring.
Behind a groundbreaking AI dictionary pen is NetEase Youdao's product strategy of "scenario first, application first, and king". In 2018, NetEase Youdao completed the implementation and application of AI technology in the education field, creating a new category of intelligent dictionary pens. With advanced technologies such as independently developed neural network translation and optical character recognition, as well as powerful functions such as dictionary pen OS and ultra fast search, Youdao Dictionary Pen continuously iterates and innovates its technology and functions, achieving a widely recognized "learning tool". In July 2023, Youdao officially released the education model "Ziyue", which integrates AIGC technology into educational scenarios and brings a better learning experience to users.
On the newly launched Youdao Dictionary Pen X7, the industry has witnessed a performance leap from a dictionary pen to a "versatile AI tutor": "Teacher Xiao P" has a deep and simple AI teaching function and question answering ability, with a focus on answering questions in 10 subjects including mathematics, Chinese, English, chemistry, physics, biology, science, etc. It provides patient explanations like a real teacher, and can teach essays, encyclopedias, grammar, classical Chinese... Different students have "Teacher Xiao P", which can mobilize rich knowledge reserves at any time according to random questions from different users, use reasoning and dialogue skills to gradually explain, and accompany them like a real teacher. Children learn independently and provide rich question resources to help them consolidate relevant knowledge points through communication and questioning.
"Hi Echo" is an accompanying and persuasive oral coach. As a virtual human oral coach with a standard MBTI personality model system, she has three different virtual avatars, providing users with graded dialogue settings for elementary, middle, high, college, and work stages, three levels of difficulty, as well as 10 themes, 88 sub scenes, and even more customized dialogue directions, which can easily solve the long-standing problems of "having no words, not knowing how to say, and not daring to say" that have plagued English oral learners.
The Youdao Dictionary Pen X7 has a large legitimate vocabulary of 72 million words, a more intelligent, accurate, and delicate AI model translation, as well as the "5.3" real questions, rich authentic textbooks, and synchronous learning resources from primary school to high school, covering the learning needs of various stages. It is worth mentioning that the Youdao Dictionary Pen X7 has a built-in AI camera and supports various interactive methods such as high-speed scanning and voice Q&A, greatly improving usage efficiency and convenience. With the help of large model knowledge Q&A capabilities, the Youdao Dictionary Pen X7 has opened up an era of AI dictionary pens for comprehensive tutoring. (Chen Wei)
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