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Are Coca Cola's price increase channels not willing to accept? Zhao Yiming: Normal sales of related products

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Recently, the voice of Coca Cola's price increase has been widely circulated in the industry, and it has also affected channel operators.
Recently, a notice circulating on the internet stated that Zhao Yiming's snacks and snacks will stop selling 500ml Coca Cola and Sprite due to the manufacturer's request for price increases. After the existing inventory is sold out, the Coca Cola/Sprite and Coca Cola bottled products of this specification will be fully taken off the shelves. This news has also attracted widespread attention from the industry and various sectors.
In response to the above rumors and reports, on July 2nd, the person in charge of Zhao Yiming's snacks responded to an interview with a reporter from Nandouwan Finance Society, stating that the relevant products are sold normally in all Zhao Yiming's snack stores. "We have noticed information about market price adjustments for related products and are actively negotiating and communicating with the brand."
As a "fat house happy water", every time Coca Cola increases its price, it triggers discussions and discussions, and this round of price increases not only occurs in end consumer scenarios, but also spreads to distribution channels. Previously, there were reports on the internet of price increases from several Coca Cola beverage companies in Hubei, Jiangxi, Zhengzhou, and other regions, indicating that prices for various products, including soda, fruit juice, and dairy drinks, will be adjusted.
Regarding this, a reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Society called the official website of Coca Cola, and customer service personnel said that they have not yet received the complete price adjustment policy, and the price increase situation of each factory may vary.
Subsequently, the reporter called the official phone number of Guangdong Taikoo Coca Cola to inquire about the price increase of Coca Cola in the Guangdong market. The customer service representative stated that they were not aware of the situation and could not provide an answer. A dedicated person in charge would contact the reporter from Nandu Wancai Society. But as of the time of publication, the reporter has not received any contact or response from Guangdong Taikoo Coca Cola.
From the perspective of terminal channels, a reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Society visited the market last year when Coca Cola was rumored to have increased in price. At that time, the price of canned 300ml Coca Cola products was mostly in the range of 2.5-3 yuan; The price of 500ml Coca Cola products in plastic bottles is mostly between 3-3.5 yuan.
Recently, reporters visited the offline market again and found that the price of plastic bottled 500ml Coca Cola products has risen to the range of 3.5-5 yuan.
It is worth noting that Coca Cola's price increase pace has been accelerating in recent years, with varying degrees of price adjustments made in 2018, 2021, and 2023. And this price increase has only been a year since the last one.
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