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365 brands sold over 100 million yuan on Tmall 618 and received subsidies worth 10 billion yuan on Taobao, a year-on-year increase of 550%

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As of 24:00 on June 18th, 365 brands have sold over 100 million yuan on Tmall 618, doubling the sales of over 36000 brands. The number of new 88VIP members increased by 65% year-on-year, and the membership size reached a historic high.
Among the 365 brands that have exceeded one billion yuan, brands such as Apple, Midea, Haier, Xiaomi, Maotai, Wuliangye, Huawei, Gree, Nike, and Genji Moyu have steadily accounted for 618 "One Billion Club" on Tmall.
Images provided by interviewees
This year, 618576 new brands established within 3 years on Tmall have won the first place in the trend category, achieving a leap from new brands to "star brands". Among them, 8 merchants participated in Tmall 618 for the first time, breaking 100 million yuan, and 189 new merchants completed transactions exceeding 10 million yuan.
Taobao and Tmall have fully implemented the "user first" strategy, and brand transactions have exploded. This year's Tmall 618 simplified gameplay, cancelled pre-sale spot sales, upgraded 88VIP benefits, and connected Taobao and Tmall discounts; And invest 15 billion yuan in red envelopes and category vouchers to provide consumers with a simple, worry free, and affordable shopping experience, creating stable and sustainable growth opportunities for businesses.
Taotian's core user 88VIP membership continues to grow, which has a significant driving effect on brand transactions. During the Tmall 618 period, the number of new 88VIP members increased by over 65% year-on-year.
The continuous expansion of brand membership has led to an explosion of brand private domain transactions. As of 24:00 on June 16th, over 120 brands have exceeded 100 million transactions from members, and over 1100 brands have exceeded 10 million related transactions. As of 24:00 on June 16th, the total number of new merchant members added to Tmall 618 after its launch exceeded 90 million.
The Taobao billion yuan subsidy, which focuses on high-quality goods and good prices, has become a new engine for brand growth. As of 24:00 on June 17th, the transaction amount increased by 550% year-on-year, with 3C Digital increasing by 878% year-on-year, small household appliances increasing by over 800%, and fresh food increasing by 549%. The flagship "Family Bucket" created by Taobao with a subsidy of billions of yuan has become popular throughout the internet during the 618 period. Dyson, Apple, and the flagship beauty family bucket have become popular hot selling products in Pinshou Speed.
Taobao live streaming has accelerated its outbreak, with a year-on-year increase of 53% in the number of live streaming rooms exceeding 100 million yuan. Among them, 34 influencer live streaming rooms exceeding 100 million yuan and 47 store live streaming rooms exceeding 100 million yuan have been generated. In the food and fresh industry, live streaming has become a new growth pole. As of June 17th, the live sales growth rate of Tmall's fresh food industry reached 261%. In addition, the Taobao live streaming fully hosted model has also attracted hundreds of celebrities and CEOs to join Taobao for broadcasting.
On June 18th this year, Taobao and Tmall opened up full discount discounts, and the 88VIP high-value consumption voucher can be used for Taobao merchant products for the first time, bringing new dividends to small and medium-sized merchants. As of 24:00 on June 18th, the transaction volume of 1.9 million Taobao small and medium-sized merchants increased by over 100% year-on-year, more than doubling compared to last year, with nearly 30000 small and medium-sized merchants exceeding one million transactions.
Taobao and Tmall adhere to the principle of "putting users first" and are committed to "brand growth". Focusing on the core e-commerce experience of "good goods", "good prices", and "good services", they have launched an 88VIP rights upgrade, canceling pre-sales, connecting full discounts, and subsidies, making major promotions simpler and making users more worry free.
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