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The Nasdaq has hit a new closing high for seven consecutive trading days, with Nvidia becoming the world's highest market value stock

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On Tuesday Eastern Time, all three major US stock indexes closed slightly higher, with the S&P 500 index up 0.25%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.15%, and the Nasdaq up 0.03%. Among them, the Nasdaq and S&P 500 index continued to reach historic highs, and the Nasdaq hit a new closing high for seven consecutive trading days. Most large technology stocks fell, with Tesla, Google, Meta, and Intel falling more than 1%, while Microsoft and Amazon saw a slight decline; Naifei rose by over 1%; Nvidia rose over 3%, reaching a new historical high with a total market value of $3.34 trillion, surpassing Apple and Microsoft to become the world's highest market value stock.
Most popular Chinese concept stocks fell, with the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index falling 0.41%. IQiyi fell nearly 3%, Pinduoduo and Futu Holdings fell more than 2%, NetEase and Vipshop fell more than 1%, while JD.com, Baidu, Ideal Automobile, and Alibaba saw a slight decline. Bilibili rose nearly 3%, Xiaopeng Motors rose over 2%, Tencent Music and Weibo rose over 1%, and Manbang saw a slight increase.
Global News
Will speculation in US stocks incur taxes? Latest response from Futu Securities, Tiger Securities, and Xueying Securities
Recently, there were rumors in the market that "speculating in US stocks will start collecting taxes this year, at the latest starting next year", and "Futu is the first batch of lists." In response, reporters called the official customer service of Futu Securities, Tiger Securities, and Xueying Securities, and all three parties stated that "they have not received any relevant notices at present.". The official customer service of Tiger Securities stated that non US residents and non US trading taxpayers are exempt from capital gains tax.
The Federal Reserve's big move! Although interest rates have not been lowered, they are well taken care of! Normalization of currency=interest rate reduction?
It is possible for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates twice or not, and we are currently facing uncertainty. However, there seems to be a sharp contrast between domestic liquidity in the United States and offshore dollar liquidity. On June 17th local time, according to data released by the Federal Reserve of New York, the Federal Reserve accepted a total of $333.429 billion from 66 counterparties in fixed rate reverse repurchase operations. This is $50 billion less than the data released on June 14th and nearly $110 billion less than the data released on June 12th.
Federal Reserve Huck: It is appropriate to cut interest rates once this year. We hope to see more data
On Monday Eastern Time, Philadelphia Fed Chairman Huck stated that based on current forecasts, he believes a rate cut this year is appropriate and hopes to see more data progress. At a business event that day, Huck pointed out that there were indeed some "bumps" in the inflation trend at the beginning of the year, and the recent inflation report showed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) had declined in May, which was "very popular" and also proved that although the progress in fighting inflation was slow, fortunately it did not "revive".
IMF: Deeply concerned about the possibility of large-scale unemployment and increased inequality caused by artificial intelligence
On Monday local time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released an economic research report titled "Expanding the Benefits of Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Fiscal Policy". What is very eye-catching is that the IMF expressed deep concern about "AI taking away a large number of human jobs" and called on governments to take more measures to protect their economies.
Musk's latest prediction: In the future, smartphones will no longer be needed and will be replaced by brain computer chips
Billionaire and founder of multiple technology companies, Musk, predicts that in the future, smartphones will become outdated and will be replaced by chips directly implanted in the human brain. On June 17th local time, Musk's high imitation account "Not Elon Musk" posted, "Will you install a Neuralink interface on your brain, allowing you to control your new X phone through thinking?" In response, Musk himself said, "There will be no more phones in the future, only Neuralink."
Company News
Huang Renxun has once again reduced his holdings in NVIDIA stocks!
After Monday's trading hours local time, Nvidia's announcement sparked high market attention: CEO Huang Renxun has finally started selling stocks of AI giants again after a 9-month hiatus! According to documents published on the SEC's official website, Huang Renxun sold 120000 shares of the company's stock on June 13 and June 14, totaling 240000 shares, at a selling price between $127.78 and $132.23, earning a total of over $31 million in cash.
Two major Apple experts posted on the same day: iPad is just the beginning, iPhone and watch will also strive to become thinner
Famous Apple whistleblower Mark Gurman wrote in his latest article that the new iPad Pro lays the foundation for thinner iPhones and other devices. Last month, Apple released hardware products such as the iPad Pro at the Spring New Product Launch. The 13 inch iPad Pro has a thickness of 5.1 millimeters and is made of 100% recycled aluminum metal, making it the thinnest Apple product in history.
The fourth chapter of Tesla's grand plan is here! Can artificial intelligence and robots play the main role?
The market had originally expected Tesla to propose a cheaper electric car in the third part, as Tesla CEO Musk had previously revealed that he would launch an electric car priced around $25000. However, it was eventually discovered that Tesla only briefly discussed its renewable ambitions in the third chapter, which directly led to a decline in Tesla's stock price. On Tuesday, Beijing time, Musk announced on social media platform X that he will launch the fourth part of Tesla's grand plan. He also boasted that this would definitely be an epic plan.
Killing crazy! Corolla offers a discount of 43000 yuan for less than 80000 yuan! Toyota car prices collectively plummet!
The ongoing price war in the car market has made the lives of most joint venture car companies increasingly difficult. On June 18th, the official Weibo account of FAW Toyota announced that a 24-hour limited time special sale will be held that day. Among them, the compact SUV Corolla starts at a price of 99800 yuan and offers a limited time comprehensive discount of 30000 yuan; The compact sedan Corolla starts at 79800 yuan and offers a limited time comprehensive discount of 43000 yuan.
Special drink for 48 yuan per cup, NIO starts its food delivery business
On June 18th, Blue Whale News noticed that several NIO centers in Shanghai are selling coffee, specialty drinks, and children's drinks on delivery platforms, with prices ranging from 18 yuan to 48 yuan. Some stores have already shown monthly sales. Among them, the price of coffee ranges from 28 yuan to 36 yuan, which is comparable to Starbucks. Taking American cuisine as an example, NIO's American cuisine does not display size specifications and is priced at 28 yuan per cup, while Starbucks' mid cup American cuisine is priced at 27 yuan.
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