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Apple Holding Hands with OpenAI to Blame Musk: Will Ban Apple Devices from Entering My Company

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On Monday Eastern Time, Apple announced at the WWDC24 keynote speech that it is building a partnership with OpenAI to integrate their ChatGPT. This news marks a big step for Apple in the field of AI, which is enough to cheer Apple users and investors worldwide, but there is one person who is very unhappy - Musk.
After Apple announced its partnership with OpenAI, Musk immediately posted multiple posts on X, warning that software integration between the two companies was an "unacceptable security violation" and expressing concerns about whether Apple and OpenAI would protect user information. He also threatened to ban Apple devices from entering his company.
The collaboration between Apple and OpenAI has attracted Musk's artillery fire
On Monday, Apple announced its long-awaited plan to enter the field of artificial intelligence, including an upgrade to its voice assistant Siri. As part of the update, Siri will be able to use OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT.
According to Apple's introduction, Siri, the Apple voice assistant, will be connected to ChatGPT. When Apple users ask Siri some questions, Siri can directly display the answers using ChatGPT's AI capabilities. Moreover, Apple emphasizes that requests and information from users calling ChatGPT functionality through Apple Siri will not be recorded.
After this press conference, Musk posted multiple posts criticizing the collaboration between Apple and OpenAI, which would lead to user information leakage.
"Apple is not smart enough to develop its own artificial intelligence, yet it can ensure that OpenAI protects your security and privacy, which is obviously absurd!" Musk wrote after the event, "Once Apple hands over your data to OpenAI, they will never know what will happen. They are selling you out."
He posted a vivid picture of a woman inhaling coconut juice from a coconut, while a man uses a straw to suck coconut juice from the woman's mouth. The woman in the picture is labeled as "Apple", the man is labeled as "OpenAI", the coconut is labeled as "iPhone", and the coconut juice is labeled as "Your Data". The title of this picture is "This is how Apple's intelligence operates.".
Musk also forwarded a post from a netizen. Netizens expressed in their posts:
Hollywood actress Scarlett Johnson once told OpenAI not to use her voice, but OpenAI still used it. "Now imagine what they would do with your phone data, even if you don't allow it."
Musk: Apple devices will be banned from entering the company
He specifically stated that if Apple integrates OpenAI at the operating system level, he will prohibit Apple devices from entering his company.
Musk claimed that he would ban Apple devices from entering his company unless Cook decides to "stop this creepy spyware.". He added that visitors to his company will be required to check their Apple devices at the door.
As of December 31st, Musk's largest company Tesla has 140400 employees worldwide. At the same time, Musk also owns companies such as SpaceX, social platform X, and Neuralink, a brain computer interface startup.
Musk and OpenAI's love hate relationship
It is worth mentioning that Musk and OpenAI have had a long-standing feud. In 2015, Musk participated in co founding OpenAI, but he withdrew from the board of directors in 2018 and broke with OpenAI. According to later reports from OpenAI, Musk attempted to integrate OpenAI into Tesla's development, but faced opposition from other OpenAI executives.
Since the end of 2022, Musk has publicly and directly criticized OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman several times, following its global popularity with the launch of ChatGPT.
In March of this year, Musk sued OpenAI, Ultraman, and others, claiming that they had abandoned the company's founding mission of developing artificial intelligence "for the broad benefit of humanity.".
In the recent round of financing, Musk raised $6 billion for his artificial intelligence company, OpenAI's future competitor xAI. In this round of financing, xAI is valued at approximately $24 billion.
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