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Jingke Energy's deduction of non net profit increased by 299% in the first three quarters, steadily promoting the landing of N-type advanced production capacity

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According to the third quarter report disclosed by Jingke Energy on the evening of October 30th, the company achieved a revenue of 85.097 billion yuan in the first three quarters, a year-on-year increase of 61.25%; The net profit was 6.354 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 279.14%; The net profit after deduction was 6.047 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 298.94%.
Jingke Energy stated that since 2023, the global photovoltaic market has maintained rapid growth despite price adjustments in the industrial chain, and the N-type TOPCon has gradually become a new generation of mainstream photovoltaic technology. The company relies on its continuous accumulation in the N-type TOPCon field, as well as its advantages in global operations and integrated production capacity, to overcome the short-term challenges brought by industry chain price fluctuations and international trade environment. While achieving an increase in photovoltaic module shipments, it has gradually established differentiated market competitiveness, resulting in a significant increase in revenue and profits compared to the same period last year. From January to September 2023, the company achieved a total shipment volume of 55.7GW, including 52.2GW of component shipments, 3.5GW of silicon wafers and battery cells. The total shipment volume increased by 86.91% compared to the same period last year.
During the reporting period, the company was committed to consolidating and strengthening its leading advantage in N-type technology, steadily promoting the implementation of N-type advanced production capacity, continuously exploring product efficiency improvement and cost reduction, and continuously increasing the proportion of N-type in the shipping structure. As of the end of the third quarter, the company has produced over 55GW of N-type TOPCon batteries, with an average efficiency of 25.6% in large-scale production. At present, with ample orders in hand, the company expects to ship around 23GW of components in the fourth quarter, and the proportion of N-type components will further increase. The company is confident in exceeding the annual component shipment target of 70-75GW.
On the same day, the company announced that the conversion efficiency of the 182N high-efficiency single crystal silicon battery (TOPCon) independently developed by its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhejiang Jingke Energy Co., Ltd. has been certified by the National Photovoltaic Industry Measurement and Testing Center through third-party testing. The conversion efficiency of the full area battery has reached 26.89%, setting a new record for the conversion efficiency of 182 and above large-sized N-type single crystal passivation contact (TOPCon) batteries. The company's research institute has taken the lead in developing advanced technologies such as advanced metallization enhancement technology, energy particle body passivation technology, and efficient trap light passivation contact technology suitable for large sizes, as well as multiple innovations and material optimization such as the self-developed complete set of HOT high-efficiency battery process technology, achieving a conversion efficiency of 26.89%, once again achieving a significant breakthrough in the conversion efficiency of N-type advanced TOPCon batteries. (Huangpu River)
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