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The three major US stock indexes have fluctuated, with Nvidia's total market value falling below $3 trillion

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On Thursday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes fluctuated. As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.20%, the Nasdaq fell 0.09%, and the S&P 500 index fell 0.02%.
Nvidia fell more than 1%, with its total market value falling below $3 trillion, after a previous rise of 2.5%.
NIO fell more than 6%, with Q1 revenue decreasing by 7.2% year-on-year to 9.91 billion yuan.
Game stations have seen a surge of nearly 50% in growth, with "Roaring Cat" claiming to be live streaming on YouTube.
COMEX silver futures rose over 4% on the day and are now trading at $31.41 per ounce.
Global News
Global Follow! The European Central Bank announced a 25 basis point interest rate cut as scheduled
The European Central Bank has made a significant move. On the evening of June 6th Beijing time, the European Central Bank announced a 25 basis point reduction in all three major interest rates, lowering the main refinancing rate, marginal lending rate, and deposit mechanism rate to 4.25%, 4.50%, and 3.75%, respectively. This is the first interest rate cut by the bank since 2019, in line with market expectations.
The global wave of relaxation is coming! The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates in September has increased to 70%
The 10-year US Treasury yield, known as the "anchor of global asset pricing," further fell to a two month low on Wednesday, with five consecutive trading days of weakness on the daily chart. The US May non farm ADP employment report released on Wednesday was weaker than expected, further confirming the signs of a cooling in the US labor market. At the same time, a global wave of easing has arrived, and the Bank of Canada announced a 25 basis point interest rate cut overnight as expected, completing the "first cut" for G7 countries. These factors have all driven the sustained recovery of the US bond market.
Wall Street giants gamble heavily? Reportedly preparing to establish the Texas Stock Exchange to challenge the hegemony of the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ
According to media reports, a group supported by Wall Street giants such as BlackRock and Castle Investment is planning to establish a new national securities exchange with the goal of avoiding the heavy supervision of the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. James Lee, CEO of the Texas Stock Exchange (TXSE), told the media that the exchange has raised approximately $120 million from individuals and large investment companies and plans to submit registration documents to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) later this year.
The Bank of Canada announced a 25 basis point rate cut to 4.75%! Shoot the "first shot" of G7 countries
On June 5th local time, the Bank of Canada announced the latest results of interest rate negotiations, lowering the benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to 4.75%, marking the first drop in G7 countries. In addition, the European Central Bank will hold an interest rate meeting on June 6th local time, and the market expects the European Central Bank to be approximately the first to lower interest rates compared to the Federal Reserve.
DHL Global Freight: The shortage of sea freight capacity in the next three to four months will not be significantly alleviated
"China is the market with the largest business volume in the Asia Pacific region. Although DHL's freight business has covered most cities and major regions in China, we still see great growth potential in the Chinese market, and we will continue to increase investment in the Chinese market." On June 5th, Niki Frank, CEO of DHL Global Freight Asia Pacific, made the above statement in a small media group interview including Paper.
Company News
Is the sky the limit? Wall Street's call is high: Nvidia's road to madness is far from over!
Nvidia, the leading AI company, has once again reached a new historical high. Its market value has also exceeded $3 trillion, surpassing Apple and becoming the second highest company in the world in terms of market value, second only to Microsoft. In fact, since the outbreak of the artificial intelligence (AI) boom, Nvidia has been the hottest stock on Wall Street, with its stock price and profits far exceeding expectations. But such a strong upward trend has persisted for so long, it cannot help but worry whether Nvidia will end up rising? The answer given by many Wall Street analysts is: there is still room for growth!
Buffett has made another big move: this time he is targeting lithium mines
Buffett has a new move! Recently, there is another big news in the new energy industry: Buffett is investing more in the upstream key material of the new energy vehicle industry chain - lithium. On Tuesday Eastern Time, Western Oil Company, in which Buffett holds a significant stake, announced the establishment of a joint venture with Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE), a subsidiary of Buffett, to jointly test and deploy technology for extracting lithium from geothermal brine.
Is the new track here? Lilly announces second phase research data on weight loss drugs: over half of patients have improved liver fibrosis
On June 5th local time, Lilly announced the positive results of its Phase II clinical trial of the GLP-1 class drug tirzepatide for the treatment of metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis (MASH) at the annual meeting of the European Society of Hepatology (EASL). The data shows that compared to placebo, 73.3% of patients receiving the highest dose of telposide achieved the primary endpoint of MASH regression without worsening liver fibrosis, and more than half of patients experienced significant improvement in ≥ grade 1 liver fibrosis.
Blizzard's national server is coming back soon! Technical testing of "Wrath of the Lich King" will begin on June 11th, and the server will officially open in June
Blizzard's World of Warcraft is accelerating its return. On June 6th, Blizzard's official Weibo account announced that the Blizzard national server deletion technology test will start on June 11th, and preparations have been made to commemorate the achievements exclusive to pets and national servers. Blizzard stated that through this test, it is believed that "Wrath of the Lich King" will officially launch in June. Currently, players can visit the official website to download the Warwebsite client and pre download the "Wrath of the Lich King" client.
Warning AI risks! 13 OpenAI and Google employees release open letters
Recently, an open letter signed by 13 former and current employees of OpenAI and Google DeepMind has attracted widespread attention. This letter expresses concerns about the potential risks of advanced artificial intelligence and the current lack of regulation for AI technology companies. In addition, this open letter mentions that AI may exacerbate existing inequalities, manipulate and disseminate misleading information, and may be unable to control autonomous artificial intelligence systems, ultimately posing a threat to human survival.
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