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JD's "618" has had a good start: the order volume of live streaming sales increased by 300% year-on-year, with over 10000 brands. The transaction volume increased by more than 5 times year-on-year

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On May 31st, at 19:59, hundreds of millions of subsidies for JD's 618 program had been collected, and over a million products had entered the subsidy zone of 10 billion yuan and the free shipping zone of 9.9 yuan, respectively. The number of merchants participating in JD 618 through JD's 9.9 free shipping channel has increased by more than 10 times year-on-year, with nearly 10000 coming from industrial belts such as Yiwu, Guangzhou, and Quanzhou. At the same time, JD's procurement and sales team, along with over 20000 JD customer service representatives, always provide consumers with a cheap and good shopping experience. To support home appliance delivery and trade in services, JD Logistics has reserved more than three times the service resources compared to last year, with tens of thousands of engineers on standby and on-site service covering the whole country.
At 20:00 on May 31st, JD's 618 shopping festival was fully launched, with many brands including Apple, Midea, Haier, Xiaomi, China Gold, Huawei, Little Swan, Gree, Hisense, TCL, and others quickly exceeding 100 million yuan in transaction value. As of 24:00 on that day, there were over 10000 brands with a year-on-year growth of over 5 times. Among the new merchants participating in JD's 618 shopping festival for the first time, the number of new merchants with a transaction volume exceeding 1 million yuan increased 45 times compared to the previous month.
JD's nearly 600000 low-priced branded products with a billion yuan subsidy across the entire network have attracted many consumers. Within an hour of success, the number of orders in the billion yuan subsidy zone increased by over 50% year-on-year. The 9.9 Free Shipping Channel has selected nearly 500000 low-priced and affordable items across the entire network, attracting over a hundred times more shopping users in one hour compared to the same period last year. Among them, over 75% of users come from third tier and below cities. JD's 618 hit the jackpot for 4 hours, with a year-on-year increase of 460% in the number of viewers on JD's live streaming. The order volume of JD's live streaming sales increased by 300% compared to the 4 hours of November 11, 2023.
With the support of new quality productivity and logistics production, more than 40 "Asia No.1" intelligent industrial parks have been operating overnight. As of 24:00 on May 31st, the vast majority of orders that have been popular for 4 hours have entered automated production lines and been shipped out. Consumers in many parts of China, including Changji in Xinjiang, have received their first orders within 10 minutes of JD's "618" launch, and consumers in hundreds of cities will receive their products in the morning of June 1st. Prior to JD's 618 shopping festival, JD Logistics established its first supply chain base in Hong Kong. Local consumers were able to receive orders on JD's online shopping platform as early as the next morning, accounting for 80% the next day, refreshing the speed of online shopping in Hong Kong. Within 4 hours of the successful launch of JD 618, JD logistics orders in Hong Kong and Macau increased by nearly 100% year-on-year. real-time info
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