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When the "Capitol Hill Stock God" cheers again: Pelosi has earned 29 million on Nvidia in the past six months?

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According to market insiders tracking the trading behavior of congressmen and their families, former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi have clearly made another big profit this year, thanks to their previous large bets on NVIDIA.
In a report released on Tuesday by the US financial data platform Unusual Whales, the couple has so far earned nearly $4 million (approximately RMB 29 million) from the Nvidia call options they purchased in November last year.
Call options give investors the right to purchase company stocks at a specific price.
Paul Pelosi owns and operates a real estate and venture capital consulting firm headquartered in San Francisco. Analysts say that in the past 190 days, the Nvidia options he purchased have risen by 170%, but he has yet to sell these call options.
Autopilot co-founder Christopher Joseph stated that based on Pelosi's previous application materials, it is difficult to confirm the exact amount of her family's initial investment in Nvidia, as the purchase range shown on the materials is between $1 million and $5 million. But he believes that, The numbers provided by Unusual Whale company seem to be accurate.
Autopilot is an application that allows individuals to track and replicate the trading behavior of these politicians.
Joseph pointed out, "This year, the Pelosi family's investment portfolio not only achieved a complete victory in Nvidia trading. Other stocks they bought also performed well, including Crowdstrike, which has risen 45% so far this year, and Google, which has risen 27%."
"Based on Pelosi's submitted stock documents, we estimate her investment return performance so far this year to be 28%, which can significantly outperform the SPY (SPDR S&P 500 Index ETF) by 16.5 percentage points," Joseph said.
A spokesperson for Pelosi reiterated in a recent statement, "Pelosi herself does not hold any stocks, and she is unaware of any transactions beforehand and does not participate in them afterwards."
The statement from Pelosi's office is almost identical to the comments made by Pelosi's communications director in 2022. At that time, the timing of Pelosi's husband's purchase of a Nvidia deal caused a huge uproar in public opinion - that year, just a few weeks before Congress voted to provide huge subsidies to the chip manufacturing industry, Paul Pelosi snatched up over $1 million in Nvidia call options. He only sold these options after Pelosi was criticized by the outside world for buying timing.
A spokesperson for Unusual Whales said, "Pelosi has been trading for many years, and other members of Congress have been doing the same, often conflicting with their public positions. Her trading history on Nvidia is long. Whether it's independent or not, her father-in-law is very active in the markets she directly supervises."
According to US law, spouses of legislators can still buy and sell stocks of companies or industries that their partners may regulate, but it is illegal for family members and congressmen to profit from internal information. In recent years, lawmakers from both parties have proposed legislation to prohibit members of parliament and their families from holding stocks, but the legislative process has always been hindered.
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