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Liu Qiangdong harshly criticizes "lying flat" internally: Companies with good performance will always love you, and those who don't want to compete are not brothers

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Recently, Liu Qiangdong harshly criticized "lying flat" at an internal meeting of JD.com. He stated that those with poor performance and lack of hard work must be eliminated. As long as the performance is good, the company will always love you, and there is no wrong in not wanting to work hard. It is understandable, but "they are not our brothers".
Liu Qiangdong's latest speech: Industry first is the goal, as long as you work hard, the company will never dismiss you
"As long as your performance is good, you never have to work overtime; if your performance only reaches the average level, as long as you work hard, the company will never dismiss you; but if your performance is poor and you don't work hard, the company cannot tolerate it and will gradually eliminate you through various means."
Recently, at the executive meeting on the eve of the 618 anniversary, Liu Qiangdong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JD.com, delivered an internal speech, announcing a significant salary increase for procurement and sales, and sharply criticizing some of the company's internal "lying flat" phenomenon. He also said, "Anyone who has poor long-term performance and never strives is not my brother." The full text of Liu Qiangdong's speech was exclusively obtained by a reporter from Pengpai News.
Liu Qiangdong stated that since the beginning of this year, it is evident that various parameters of JD.com have entered a positive trend, and the first quarter financial report data has far exceeded expectations. The company's dreams and passion are constantly growing and igniting, and we firmly believe that the good days belonging to JD.com are always here.
"If you turn off the lights for two hours at noon and get a good night's sleep, it's impossible to do something amazing in the future," Liu Qiangdong said.
For the future development of the company, he sharply commented, "We all want to become the number one in the industry. No one wants to join a company with no future, no one wants to join a company that lies flat and sleeps soundly, no one wants to join a company without passion, dreams, and glory. If it were truly my brother, I wouldn't want JD to become like this."
He said that everyone has different life choices, and for those who are unwilling to fight, "You are not wrong, but I can only say that you are just a passerby, not a brother, and should not work together. Your existence is unfair to fighting brothers."
In addition, Liu Qiangdong has once again given a salary increase to all personnel in JD's procurement and sales, including cash, stocks, etc. The minimum salary increase for cash is 20%, with an average increase of 50% and a maximum increase of 100%. He hopes that the salary will reach the highest level in the industry. In addition, a 10 million yuan incentive fund will be established for each business unit.
"This is for frontline sales personnel who are striving. As sales salaries continue to improve, the salary and benefits of other systems will also increase." Liu Qiangdong said that JD will increase the annual salary of all sales personnel to 20 months' salary within two years.
JD has not provided further confirmation or response regarding the specific details of the salary increase.
Recently, JD.com has frequently appeared on hot searches. A series of events related to JD's internal attendance adjustments, shortened lunch breaks, personnel optimization, and the "eight issues" have sparked heated public opinion discussions. According to multiple JD insiders, JD's adjustment of attendance is mainly to strictly manage and curb the behavior and culture of some employees checking in on behalf of others.
Previously, it was reported that JD.com Retail began strict attendance checks this week and adjusted its lunch break rules. The new regulations require that the number of people at work stations will be counted at 9am every day, and if the shuttle bus is delayed, proof photos must be submitted; The lunch break is shortened to 1 hour, from 12:00 to 13:00, during which the lights must not be turned off; The company strictly prohibits the act of clocking in on behalf of others, and once discovered, relevant personnel will be dealt with seriously; To evaluate employee job saturation, employees who leave work at 6 pm late need to consider their job saturation; All non working WeChat groups will be disbanded, and all communication will be conducted through Dongdong.
An employee also revealed that JD.com has issued eight notices, listing various new assessment regulations. Among them, the eighth article encourages employees to report the phenomenon of not engaging in work around them, which has attracted public attention.
Regarding this, a JD executive told a reporter from Pengpai News that all eight of them were rumors. The company has reported and dealt with these rumors, received feedback, and the public security organs have begun to file an investigation.
The executive stated that due to loose and poor management in the past few years, the company has developed slowly in a fiercely competitive environment, with performance not meeting expectations, serious issues with corporate culture in some major business sectors, and a long-term low stock price. The current management action is to make up for the shortcomings. In the view of the executive, although this adjustment may experience pain, it is conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm of internal employees and providing a fair environment for employees and teams who are willing to work hard.
Previously, on May 16th, JD.com released a Q1 financial report that exceeded market expectations. The data showed that JD.com's revenue in the first quarter reached 260 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.0%; The net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders was 7.1 billion yuan, compared to 6.3 billion yuan in the same period last year, a year-on-year increase of 13%. Under non US GAAP accounting standards, the net profit attributable to common shareholders of listed companies was 8.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.2%.
JD.com has officially announced multiple rounds of salary increases for procurement and sales.
Starting from February 1, 2024, over 20000 frontline customer service employees on JD.com have achieved an average annual salary increase of over 30%. Previously, JD.com had announced a round of salary increase plans, mainly focusing on its recent business focus of JD's procurement and sales (live streaming). At the end of 2023, JD.com announced that starting from January 1st this year, the annual fixed salary of frontline business personnel such as JD.com procurement and sales will increase by nearly 100%, and the average salary increase for all JD.com retail employees will not be less than 20%.
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