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Buffett's mysterious holdings revealed! Middle Eastern tycoons invest heavily

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Recently, overseas institutions have successively disclosed their US stock holdings on the 13th floor. Buffett, the stock god, has finally unveiled his mysterious holdings hidden for three quarters, while Middle Eastern tycoons have invested heavily in the AI field during the same period.
Buffett's "mysterious holdings" exposed

On May 14th, Beijing time, Berkshire Hathaway, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett, submitted its position documents for the 13F US stock market. According to the documents, as of the end of the first quarter, Berkshire held a total of 25.92 million shares of Anda Insurance, with a market value of over 6.7 billion US dollars, ranking among Berkshire's top ten heavy holdings in the US stock market.
Data shows that Berkshire began investing in Anda Insurance in the third quarter of 2023. In the third quarter of 2023, Berkshire held approximately 8.1 million shares of Anda Insurance and increased its holdings to approximately 20 million shares in the fourth quarter of the same year. It is reported that Berkshire has obtained permission from the US Securities and Exchange Commission to keep the position confidential in its documents for the third and fourth quarters of 2023. Public information shows that Anda Insurance Co., Ltd. is a company that provides a variety of insurance products and services, including shipping, director, supervisor, and senior management responsibilities, life sciences, and more.
During the same period, Buffett also increased his holdings in three targets, namely Western Oil Company, Liberty SiriusXM-C, and Liberty SiriusXM-A.
According to the latest data, Berkshire's holdings in the US stock market have a market value of $332 billion. The top ten heavy holdings in the US stock market include Apple, Bank of America, American Express, Coca Cola, Chevron, Western Oil, Kraft Heinz, Moody's, Anda Insurance, and DeWitt.
Middle Eastern "tycoons" throw heavy money at AI

The US stock investment dynamics of Saudi Arabia's largest sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF), have also surfaced. Overall, Middle Eastern tycoons have also participated in the AI boom in the US stock market, with public investment funds holding a market value of 20.6 billion US dollars in the first quarter. Among them, 13 new US stocks were purchased, and 4 more US stocks were increased. The more bought targets include ARM call options, Starbucks call options, Booking call options, Amazon call options, and Adobe call options. During the same period, we reduced our holdings of 5 US stocks and cleared our holdings of 25 US stocks. The targets we sold more on include utility ETFs, Live Nation Entertainment, Carnival Cruises, Booking, and SF Express.
As of the end of the first quarter, the top ten heavily invested stocks in public investment funds include Uber, Lucid, EA, Take Two Interactive Software, Linde, Cummins, ARM call options, Meta, Starbucks call options, and Booking call options.
In addition, Cai Chongxin's family office, Blue Pool Capital, continued to reduce its holdings in alternative asset giant Blue Owl Capital in the first quarter, cutting its holdings by nearly 60%, leaving only 2.8 million shares as of the end of the first quarter. As of the end of the first quarter, Blue Pool Capital still holds 1.95 million shares of Alibaba in the US stock market, with a market value of 142 million US dollars.
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