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Prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case: did not face political pressure during the investigation

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David Weiss, the US special prosecutor responsible for investigating Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, told the Republican led House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday (November 7) that he did not face political intervention, which contradicts earlier whistleblower testimony.
Weiss has charged 53 year old Hunter Biden with possessing a gun while using illegal drugs. The President's son has stated that he is fighting against alcohol and cocaine addiction.
Republicans in the House of Representatives have accused the Justice Department of improperly intervening in the investigation into Hunter Biden, whose illegal behavior is the core focus of their investigation into the president's impeachment. The White House denies any wrongdoing. Democrats stated that the impeachment investigation was politically motivated.
During the entire investigation process, I and the professional prosecutors in my team made decisions based on facts and laws. Political considerations did not play a role in our decision-making, "Weiss said in his prepared statement in closed door testimony
Weiss was the first special prosecutor to testify in Congress before the final report was completed, and he refuted the comments of two IRS whistleblowers. The informant stated that Wes told officials at a meeting that as part of his investigation, he did not have the final authority to decide to file charges.
Wes told lawmakers that he has and will continue to have full authority over his investigation.
According to the policy of the Ministry of Justice, Wes will not disclose specific details about his investigation.
Republican MP Matt Gaetz told reporters, "Mr. Weiss has reflected on his authority, but when we ask about the impact on these authorities, have there been any emails or meetings trying to make him move in one direction or another? He is completely stubborn
The Democrats who participated in the hearing sharply criticized this, calling the Republican issue misleading and calling the hearing a waste of time.
As part of the congressional investigation, at least 10 current and former officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Department of Justice have testified behind closed doors. Attorney General Merrick Garland also testified at the House Judiciary Committee public hearing in September.
Former Republican President Donald Trump has welcomed the impeachment investigation, as he is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination and will once again face Biden in the 2024 election. Trump was also the first US president to be impeached twice, and both times he was acquitted by the Senate.
Trump is facing four criminal charges, including commercial activities, improper handling of confidential documents, and attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.
It is currently unclear whether the entire House of Representatives, which the Republican Party controls by a narrow margin, will support the impeachment of Biden. The House of Representatives is composed of 221 Republicans and 212 Democrats.
Democratic congressman Glenn Ivey stated that the initial hour or so of testimony was mainly focused on letters between Wes and lawmakers, and pointed out that this inquiry was unprecedented.
Ironically, they are always pushing for the prosecution of Hunter Biden, but such things may derail or cause trouble, "Ivy told reporters
Wes was initially nominated during Trump's presidency, but was allowed to continue under Biden's leadership.
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