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Multi dimensional assistance, joint efforts of Lufax Holdings to create a new chapter in rural revitalization in Gansu Province

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On September 24-25, Ping An of China held a research activity on supporting industrial revitalization and assisting agricultural cooperatives in Lintao County, Gansu Province. On the 24th, Ping An of China held a donation ceremony in Lintao County, donating special funds for rural revitalization assistance to the Lintao County government, which will be used to support the designated rural revitalization project in Lintao County. Among them, Lufax Holdings, a subsidiary of Ping An in China, donated 120000 yuan in characteristic industry development funds for the upgrading and transformation of local lily production and processing plants.
Conduct research to support industrial revitalization and assist agricultural cooperatives in sales, and provide funding for the development of local characteristic industries
This event is jointly organized by Ping An of China and the China Rural Development Foundation. Hu Jianfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Ping An Group, led a team to investigate the situation of Ping An's assistance projects in the sweet lily and golden chrysanthemum industries in Lintao County, and held a discussion and exchange meeting with representatives of rural wealth leaders. The Financial Office of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Gansu Province, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Gansu Province, the Gansu Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Regulation, and relevant leaders from Lintao and Zheng counties participated in this event. The Party Committee of Ping An Group, together with the heads of relevant departments of member companies such as Lufax Holdings, participated in the research.
Ping An China has officially released the "Ping An China 2024-2026 Service Plan for Rural Revitalization in Gansu Province", which will focus on five aspects: industrial assistance, financial support, consumption assistance, party building and construction, and livelihood assistance, and continue to increase support for rural revitalization in Gansu Province.
Lufax Holdings actively responded and increased its support for rural revitalization in Gansu. By empowering new farmers through "pre production", industries through "in production", and production and sales through "post production", Lujin Holdings continues to promote the prosperity of rural characteristic industries, consolidate the foundation of rural development, broaden channels for farmers to increase income and become prosperous, and is committed to promoting common prosperity.
The relevant person in charge of Lufax Holdings introduced that for a long time, Lufax Holdings has relied on its professional advantages to pioneer the "Finance+Rural Multidimensional Revitalization Model", focusing on the development of rural women, the coordinated development of industries, the inheritance of traditional culture and business empowerment, and the construction of green communities. It has carried out inclusive finance practice projects such as "Finance+Women", "Finance+Industry", "Finance+Culture", and "Finance+Dual Carbon". Deeply explore local culture, industrial cooperation, and intangible cultural heritage inheritance, break the inherent boundaries of rural projects, and assist in the long-term integrated development of rural female entrepreneurs, cooperative leaders, small and micro groups, and rural industries.
Carry out the "Undertake New Mission and Consumer Protection County Tour" activity to promote financial education in rural areas
At the same time, under the guidance and support of various levels of government in Lintao County, the Gansu Regulatory Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, and the Party Committee of Ping An Group, the Gansu Consumer Protection Joint Committee of Ping An Group launched the "Take on a New Mission and Consumer Protection County Tour" activity in Nongmeng Village, Longmen Town, Lintao County, bringing a "harvest feast" of financial knowledge to people in remote areas.
Ping An Guarantee Gansu Branch, a subsidiary of Lufax Holdings, has jointly established a financial volunteer service team with Ping An Bank Lanzhou Branch, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Gansu Branch, and others. The activity took the "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival" as the creative idea, set up a "financial knowledge Dafengshou (Salad of assorted fresh vegetables)" theme consumer protection education activity site, combined financial knowledge with the unique crops in Gansu, so that villagers can easily learn financial knowledge in familiar daily life scenes.
Mobile service vehicles carrying "rural loudspeakers" and enthusiastic financial knowledge preaching teams use easy to understand language, combined with vivid cases, to popularize financial knowledge and explain methods for preventing fraud to villagers, further promoting the "sinking" of educational focus and enabling financial education to reach the grassroots level in the county.
The relevant person in charge of Lufax Holdings stated that Lufax Holdings is exploring the "party building+consumer protection" model, leveraging the power of grassroots party organizations, and taking the lead in launching the "party building+consumer protection" series of financial education activities in the industry. The general and branch teams have gone deep into the grassroots and communicated with the public face-to-face, with a total of 147 sessions and 11 measures to improve overall business; In terms of online education, a series of 5 online education sessions were conducted, including "Executive Talks on Consumer Protection" and "Expert Talks on Consumer Protection", reaching a total of 5 million people; 574 consumer protection themed financial education activities were carried out, covering over 9.65 million members of the public.
In the future, under the guidance of Party building, Lufax Holdings will continue to adhere to the original mission of "finance for the people", actively leverage its main business advantages, respond to China's Safe Rural Revitalization Plan, and vigorously promote targeted assistance in finance, people's livelihood and other aspects throughout the country. Through continuous innovation and improvement of the agricultural assistance service system, it will focus on serving rural development through a series of assistance measures.
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