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Bring in large ship models, small navigator simulation driving, sea pianist During the Shanghai International Postal Festival, three major cruise ships started a flash mob in Shanghai shopping malls

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Bringing the large model ship "Ocean Spectral" into the shopping mall, the VR experience is enough to enjoy the magnificent sea scenery without leaving Shanghai; A large interactive area of nearly 150 square meters for the Aida cruise experience, featuring interactive doll machines, a fun ocean ball pool, and a "Little Navigator" simulation driving. During the first Shanghai International Cruise Festival, Royal Caribbean Cruise, China Merchants Viking Cruise, and Aida Cruise came from the dock and the ocean to Shanghai shopping malls, allowing citizens to experience the charm of cruise ships up close.
As one of the benchmark events of the "Shanghai Summer" international consumption season, the Shanghai International Cruise Festival with the theme of "Post Shanghai, Drive the World" has kicked off. On August 16th, the launch ceremony of the Putuo branch of the Shanghai International Cruise Festival and the departure ceremony of the Globe were held at the Cruise Plaza in the World Port Town of Shanghai Global Port. As an important commercial district participating in this event, Shanghai Global Port utilizes its abundant commercial resources and collaborates with major cruise companies to carry out a series of cruise themed activities and special promotional activities during the event period.
The Global Harbor World Port Town has become a check-in spot full of cruise style, with staff dressed in customized sailor costumes. Cruise style can be seen everywhere in the cruise square and bow stage.
During the Shanghai International Cruise Festival, Global Harbor will launch a series of "international, high-energy, and high traffic" cruise themed activities with Royal Caribbean Cruises, China Merchants Viking Cruises, and Ada Cruises, linking cultural and business travel with cruise scenes to jointly create a new "cruise+" consumer experience scene.
On the 4th floor of the Global Hall, Royal Caribbean Cruises will bring a pop-up experience event called "Lying on the Sea, Waves Together" from August 16th to August 25th. The brand's iconic "Ocean Spectrum" large ship model will be moved into the Global Harbor, and the VR experience of the cruise facilities will showcase the magnificent sea scenery. In conjunction with special themed IP activities such as "Clever Tiger" and "Kumamoto Bear", the Japanese and Korean folk culture will be combined with cruise elements to present the customs of Japan and South Korea's islands and seas;
At B2 Sun Hall, Ada Cruise will hold a "Little Navigator" Family Day event from August 13th to August 18th, featuring a nearly 150 square meter large Ada Cruise experience interactive area. There will be a variety of experiential activities on site, such as interactive doll machines, children's fun ocean ball pools, and photo interactive areas. Guests will also have the opportunity to experience the same "Little Navigator" simulated driving device as the Ada Magic City.
At B2 Sun Hall, from August 20th to August 25th, China Merchants Viking built a brand characteristic "winter garden" with Nordic style as the overall design concept, creating an elegant and comfortable atmosphere. A grand piano will also be placed in the center of the venue, allowing the audience to enjoy piano performances with the theme of "Sea Pianists" up close.
In the B2 Central Hall, from August 10th to August 31st, a cruise photo exhibition depicting romantic cruise ship scenery and sea wonders is also underway, adding a strong cultural and artistic attribute to the cruise festival.
The "Direct Train Promotion Consumer Activity" from the Global Port to Wusong Port, which includes shipping from Wusong Port, linking the Huangpu River, and linking global ports, has developed more gameplay for cruise ships.
A series of "cruise+vacation" themed activities. Shanghai Globeport and Ctrip's self operated Three Gorges and Xisha Cruises will jointly launch relevant preferential rights and special price products. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai tourists led by Shanghai will receive exclusive benefits to experience the unique scenery of the Three Gorges and the magnificent the Xisha Islands.
The "Cruise+Globeport" micro vacation package provides tourists with a dual experience of sea and land: providing an integrated service of "cruise, food, entertainment, shopping", consumers can enjoy the selection experience of "Tao Tao Ju Shang Post Festival Exclusive Single Package", "Why Qin Han Yuan Shang Post Festival Exclusive Benefits", as well as shopping concessions for multiple retail, entertainment, catering stores in Globeport, large indoor amusement parks, etc.
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